"Leave my brother alone, I've had enough of your sick threats!" Jimin spats, getting a little bit braver now that Taehyung was with him. "I can't live on with the thought of my brother being hurt all over again because of you!"

"Oh, so now it's because of me?" Jungkook huffs, an eyebrow raised. "Come to think of it, if you weren't being selfish and immediately told your boyfriends, your brother would have been safe a long time ago; and who knows, maybe I am dead or was given life sentence in jail."

Jimin paused, eyes narrowing towards Jungkook who had a wide grin on his face. "You see, Taehyung is not the only victim here, for he may or may not have done something.. Extreme."

Taehyung's heart skips a beat. He knew Jungkook was still clueless about what happened back at the forest, yet he felt like the male was giving hints.

It was an accident. He did it only for his safety. He did it to protect himself and Jungkook from being reported to the authorities.

His legs finally gives up on his own weight- being too drained and sore to even stand up by himself. Taehyung's head began to throb in pain, lips quivering as if he was in the verge of crying again.

Jimin felt anger boiling inside him once more, holding Taehyung closer to support his weak body. "Don't dare speak about my brother in a foul way! He will never become like you- he isn't sick in the head!"

Jungkook laughs, sounding painfully sarcastic which resulted for Taehyung to let out choked sobs, his throat hurting as it was dry. Jimin will never forgive him if he found out that he killed someone over an accusation; he'll rot in jail like Jungkook and it was something he wouldn't want to happen.

But what hurt him even more is that he never felt guilty- not anymore. Taehyung didn't want to live his life in jail, because it felt a little useless. He wouldn't regret anything anyways, being imprisoned will only drive him insane.

"My bad, perhaps you know your brother more than I do, isn't that right Jimin?" Jungkook says, finally calming down from laughing. "How pathetic of me to assume such thing."

"Seok, let's just- get out of here, Taehyung isn't at his best condition now." Jimin dismisses their heated topic, prioritizing his brother's health first rather than to pick a fight with Jungkook.

Hoseok nods, taking the handcuff from his back pocket which gave Jungkook an opportunity to attack. He swings his fist without hesitation, hitting Hoseok directly in the face before he sends him down to the ground with a harsh kick on the stomach.

"Hoseok! Oh my God!" Jimin gasps in shock, taking a step back as his grip on Taehyung started to loosen up. His eyes were shaking, brimming with tears of shock when Jungkook mercilessly kicked the latter all over again, giving him to time to attack or defend.

Strings of curses left Hoseok's mouth, flipping onto his stomach in hopes that he could retreat before he takes his revenge. He couldn't be a coward now- especially when he's in a dangerous situation that would risk Jimin and Taehyung's life.

"Come on, I won't just go without a nice fight." Jungkook smirks, an eyebrow raised as he rests his foot against Hoseok's back to prevent him from moving further. "It's such a pity to see you like this- maybe Yoongi was right about the fact that you are a rookie detective."

"Don't hurt him!" Jimin warns, setting Taehyung down to the floor in attempt to help Hoseok with defeating Jungkook. The weak male's body rocked back and forth, the verge of passing out as the blanket drops down to his elbows, showing most of his skin that were badly bruised and marked. He couldn't move, even if he wanted; everything around him was spinning and the pain on his head only became worse as seconds passed by.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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