"In my dreams." She muttered. Beau was shown on the tv and I smiled. "I'm so jealous of your relationship with Beau." I smiled at her and looked down at Brooke who was watching the tv. She was only a week old but she was s aware of her surroundings and she definatly was aware of Beau. Tyler was just walking around and holding a teddy bear so Rosie went to the kitchen and made us both some food. I put Brooke in her travel cot that was by the couch and the Philly team skated on the ice. I picked up my phone and saw that Beau had text me after he left.
'From - BeauBennett
Have a good time with your friend today. Can a few of the boys come over later? Also, you best be wearing my jersey. love you x'
Of course they can come over Beau! I'm going to put it on now. Love you too x'
I got up and ran to our room to see that Beau had left his jersey on our bed. I put it on and went to sit back down on the couch. Rosie handed me my food and we started watching the game. Beau had the puck and skated up the centre of the ice. He shot and scored making Rosie and I cheer. Sid hugged him (like they do) and they both smiled. Sid scored another 2 goals with Beau assisting one and Neal also scored. Beau arrived home shortly with Neal, Sid, Geno and Letang. Bortz had a date tonight so he couldn't come back over. When Beau walked through the door, he pulled me into a giant hug and kissed my forehead.
"Beau, this is Rosie. Rose, this is Beau, James, Evgeni and Kris." She said hi to all of them and hugged Sid as she already knew him.
"How's Tyler?" Sid asked,
"He's great actually, he is here but he's in Brooke's room."
"SIDNEY!" We heard Tyler shout as he rang out. He hugged Sid and Sid laughed. James sat down a few spaces away from Rosie and they started talking which made me smile. I walked into our room and changed into some pyjamas before walking back over to Beau as he hugged me.
"Beau, don't you need to get changed?" He shook his head and just continued to hug me.
"How was Brooke?" He asked making me smile. I literally loved how he was like with Brooke.
"She was fine. She watched the game." He laughed and we saw that all of the guys were sat on the couch talking to Tyler, James and Rosie were really hitting it off. Beau looked down at me and kissed me which made me smile.
"Get room!" Geno shouted.
"Last time they did that, Brooke was born." Letang shouted making us all laugh. We sat on the other couch and joined in on the conversation. We were having a great time until Rosie pulled me into the kitchen.
"Sup Rose?" I asked.
"I think that I like James but Kris asked me if I wanted to go and get a coffee with him before he leaves tomorrow. I don't know what to do!" She complained. They were both good looking and nice guys. This was a tough one.
"If you go with Kris tomorrow, I can ask James what he thinks about you." She nodded and we walked back into the room with the guys. "Where are you tomorrow?" I asked. Beau hasn't really been on away trips much considering his many injuries so it was going to be a new experience for me.
"Detroit." Beau replied. I nodded and sat next to him. James and Letang left quite quickly, probably to go to the gym before tomorrow's game. Sid and Geno left at quite late and Rosie was going to stay over. Beau and I put Brooke to sleep before going into our room and getting into bed, well, I did, Beau had to get changed. He changed out of his suit and into his checkered bottoms, leaving his top off he lied next to me and pulled me into a hug. I went to get my phone from the side to text Neal about Rosie when I realised that it was next to Beau.
"Beau. Can you pass me my phone. I need to text Neal." He looked at me confused. "Rosie likes him but Letang asked her to get coffee." He nodded and got his phone out instead and text him. I guess it would sound better off Beau than myself.
"He said 'Yeah dude, shes pretty hot but Im not sure about the kid bro. I mean, I would like to get to know her before rushing into anything but yeah.' What else should I say?" I took Beau's phone off him and decided to text him instead. Beau just wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck before placing a kiss there. I placed his phone down after I gave up trying to think of what to text Neal and went to go to the toilet but Beau held my waist and groaned.
"Don't go. I'm comfy." He mumbled into my neck.
"Beau, I need to use the restroom." He sighed before he let me go so I could do my business. I walked back out and saw that he was just sat up in bed. "Why are you awake?" I asked with a chuckle.
"I'm waiting for you babe." He replied making me smile. I got in the bed and he pulled me into a hug. I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep. I wasn't asleep for long before Brooke started crying. I got up to see what she needed to see that Beau was rubbing his eyes. "Babe, go back to bed please."
"No Beau, you need to sleep. You have an important game tomorrow." He groaned and faced his pillow. I went into Brooke's room, heated up some milk for her and gavae it to her before rocking her. When she stopped crying, I sat on the chair in her room and just sat with her. I rocked her slightly and then put her in her crib before walking into our room and getting in next to Beau.
"Did you need me?" He asked.
"I was fine. Beau, sweetie, you really need to go to sleep. I don't want Brooke effecting your game." I replied as I caressed his cheek.
"She's not babe. I just want to do everything I can because I will be away a lot and I feel extremely guilty." I sighed and he took my hand before kissing it. "Please sleep." He pulled me clloser to him and I instantly fell asleep. I awoke to someone shaking me slightly. I opened my eyes and saw Beau smiling at me. "Morning gorgeous." I smiled at him and got up. I went to get changed into my gym wear before walking back out to Beau to see him in his gym stuff.
"I'll stay and watch Brooke until you come back." I said as I sat down.
"Na, my mom is coming over to look after her. She hasn't seen you for a while. She misses you." I laughed and the door knocked. I opened it to see Beau's mom.
"Hey Louanna."i said as she hugged me.
"Hey Dan. Hey Beau." She replied as Beau hugged her. They had a cute relationship.

Love At First Sight - Beau Bennett
Romance19 year old Danielle Crosby falls extremely hard for the gorgeous Cali-born Pittsburgh forward 23 year old Beau Bennett. They are the perfect match in a perfect relationship. They have a few bumps down the road but they're destined to be together...