Chapter 5: Awkward Being And Thoughts

Start from the beginning

"Robyn, you going into the cafeteria?" Carter asks facing my direction.

"Um... I don't know." I say with my nerves controlling me and I start to shake my head.

"Come on!" She says grabbing my arm and pulling me into the cafeteria. "I won't let anyone get any gravy on you. If they do they will return with a black eye and an apology." I can't help but smile at her persuasion.

As soon as we arrive in the crowded room, I regret walking in here.  There's too much noise and too many people. Carter has let go of my arm and is now leading me to a table in the corner of the room. We arrive at a table with several other people. I see Hunter, from my science class, and Ollie. I somehow knew that he and Carter were part of the same group. And some other people I don't recognize. Ollie sees Carter first.

"Everyone, this is Robyn. She's the new chick. Robyn this is everyone." As soon as she mentions my name, Ollie's head shoots up and his face seems to light up a fraction. At least I think it is me because he looked at Carter with his original expression.

"Hi Robyn." The group says in unison. I wave back at them all and sit down. Carter sits next to me. I look around and notice everyone is staring at me whilst Ollie is just smirking at me. Confused, I look around.

"What?" I ask.

"We don't usually have a nerd sit at our table." A blonde haired girl says opposite me.

"Thanks. I guess." I say, not sure how to accept that fact.

"No problem." She replies whilst nodding. I give her a strained smile.

"Hey Robyn?" I look up to Hunter sitting next to Ollie. "Ollie said you skipped a grade." He says.

"Yeah, I did."

"Awesome." He replies and I can't help but smile due to his reply.

"Wait. Aren't you the girl who got gravy tipped down her the other day?" A guy says with ginger hair.

"Yeah." I answer

"That must've sucked."

"Shit, yeah it did."I reply.

"What did you do to the guy?" The blonde girl asks.

"I asked him if he needed glasses then called him an ass hole. Why?" I ask

"Just curious to how you would react in those situations. You might even survive here." She answers.

"I doubt that very much." I reply.

"Why's that?" Ollie asks.

"First off, people have already noticed me. And if any asshole pulls the same tricks as the gravy douche, someone will get a broken nose and a black eye. And it won't be me." I say.

Everyone looks at me stunned.

"What?" I ask.

"You don't seem like the violent type." Carter says. "Have you been kicked out of a school before?" She asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"How?" Hunter asks.

"I broke some girls nose and gave her a dislocated jaw." I say like it's nothing.

Everyone stares at me with their mouths agape.

"See, you don't seem like the violent kind. You seem sweet and innocent." Carter repeats.

"Why did you break her nose?" Hunter asks.

"She had a provocative attitude. And face." I say, contemplating which one it was. "Plus, she was evil. She slapped me around the face then I broke her  face." I finish.

"How old were you?"

"Seven." I reply.

"Wow." Carter says. Everyone looks at me still and I'm worried if I said the wrong thing. "You're going to have to show me some moves." I smile at carter then look back down at my knotted hands.

The bell sounds and I head over to English Literature. Ollie falls into step beside me.

"Did you really break her nose?" He asks.

"Yeah." I breath.

"You are some bad ass." He mocks.

"I am not. I'll have you know I am the complete opposite of a 'Bad ass'. It was one time. Nothing has happened since then." I say defending myself. I reach the classroom before Ollie can carry on with this conversation. Why am I so nervous around him? Robyn! Get it together!  

I rush into the room and find a seat quickly. Ollie probably thinks that I'm pissed at him. I'm not. I just don't like talking to him because it makes me feel weird. And I don't like to feel weird around guys. It makes me think I'm an awkward human being. Well I am but I don't want to feel like it.

All through this class, Mrs. Gencah is babbling about some poem. I'm not paying any attention as I've already read this poem and I know what the poet intended in each stanza.

After what seems like forever, the bell finally rings and I shoot out of class. I make my way to the parking lot as quickly as possible. Once Mom's car comes in my range of vision I walk over with my head down. In the corner of my eye I see Ollie. Don't notice me. Don't notice me. His eyes land on me and he smiles, giving me a wave. When I divert my eyes towards him, he gives me a full toothy grin and nods in my direction. I gasp and throw my head back down trying to ignore him and pretend that I'm invisible. Like always.

Finally I reach Mom's car and I jump in. Literally.

"WOAH! Are you okay?" She asks flashing me a concerned glare.

"Yeah." I breathe. "Just drive please."

"Alright, what's got you in an un-functioning twist?" She asks.

"Nothing." I say. Obviously lying. Mom snickers.

"You are a terrible liar!" She says pushing my knee playfully.

"It doesn't matter. Just drive already!" I moan.

"Okay." She pushes the accelerator and she drives out of the parking lot.

"Are you running from anyone?" Mom asks.

"No! It's- I just want- want to go home." I reply.

"Hmmm.  Alright then." She says contemplating whether to believe me or not.

There is something wrong with me! No... There's something wrong with Ollie. He's nice to me. Too nice. No one is nice to me. Ever!



Why do you think Ollie is nice to Robyn! Of course we know, but Robyn doesn't!

Thank you so much again for reading. Chapter six will be posted tomorrow or if my brain will function properly, today. I seriously love that you read these chapters even if they are crap! I appreciate it A LOT!

Please keep reading, I hope you enjoy them.


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