"I'm going to head back over to Robin. Make sure you catch Gemma before she leaves" Anne said to Harry before she looked over to me. "It was great meeting you Emily"
"Same to you Anne" She pulled me into one last hug before she began walking away. I turned back to Harry who turned to me at the same time.
"So um... have you thought about uh, coming over to talk?" Harry asked. I could tell he was nervous for my answer but I was still unsure about what I wanted to do. I did want to talk to Harry about what happened, but I didn't know whether coming over to Harry's would be the best idea. But that only left us with talking about it in these crowded halls where anyone could listen into our conversation, and that was something I really didn't want.
"I uh... yeah I guess I can come" Harry let out a breath at my words and I could tell he was physically relaxing. I however felt like I was going to explode from nerves.
Neither of us said anything else and instead just stood where we were. Harry looked unsure of what to do and say. I was unsure of what to do or say. The silence wasn't like our usual sit-on-my-bed-and-do-nothing-but-enjoy-each-others-company silence. Instead it was uncomfortable and unbearable. And I hated it.
"Do you want to come see Gemma with me?" Harry asked, finally breaking the awkward silence. "Then we can uh... head to mine after?"
"I uh- yeah, yeah mhm" I was well aware of my stuttering and how awkward I sounded. But annoyingly, I couldn't help it.
Harry turned away and I followed beside him as he lead us to Gemma. The tension picked back up as soon as we began walking away and the uncomfortable silence accompanied us once again.
Harry walked into one of the many dressing rooms before making his way over to two blonde girls.
"Haz! good job" One of the girls engulfed Harry into a tight hug and I was guessing she must be his sister.
"Thanks Gem" Harry responded, confirming my thoughts of her being Harry's sister.
"Hello, I'm Lou" The other girl beside Gemma and Harry said with a warm smile that I returned.
"I'm Emily" As soon as I'd said this, Gemma parted from Harry and grabbed his shoulders, moving him out of the way so she could see me. She gave me a big smile before looking to Harry and then back to me.
"I have heard a lot about you" Gemma said as she lightly shoved Harry out of the way so she could give me a hug. "All good things, don't worry" She assured before pulling away.
"Same here. Harry's been talking about you non stop" Lou told me with a chuckle. I looked over to Harry who was glaring at Lou and I had to bite my tongue from laughing. Gemma an Lou both gave off a friendly vibe and I could tell they would be heaps of fun to hang around with.
"You should have heard him on Christmas. He wouldn't shut up. He kept saying-"
"Didn't Mum say you have somewhere to be Gem?" Harry asked, although it didn't sound much of a question. A raised my eyebrows at Harry, wanting to know what he was saying about me and why he was suddenly changing the subject.
"Hm, work can wait" Gemma shrugged, giving Harry a cocky grin before turning back to me. "As I was saying, Harry here couldn't stop talking about you. I got plenty of calls-"
"Me and Em ha-" Harry stopped himself as quickly as he'd cut off Gemma. I felt my stomach flip from Harry calling me my nickname and my smile that instantly faltered. I could feel Gemma and Lou's eyes flickering between the two of us and now I wanted more then anything for the Earth to swallow me whole. Harry instantly turned to me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking but the awkward tension had definitely returned. Gemma and Lou must have noticed because Lou was quick to give Harry's back a pat.
"It was great meeting you Emily" She said, sending me a smile before she turned to Harry. "I'll see you Friday" She said to Harry before pulling him into a quick hug.
I turned to Gemma who gave me a sympathetic smile and engulfed me into a hug.
"I hope everything works out between you two" Gemma whispered, only quiet enough for me to hear. I hummed in response before we pulled away and I turned back to Harry.
I sent Gemma and Lou one last smile before Harry and I made our way out of the dressing room. Once again, the awkward silence returned.
"So..." I said, hoping to end the tension. Harry glanced over to me as we walked out of the dressing room. "You've been talking about me huh? Was that before or after you supposedly found me annoying?" I teased. Harry shook his head with a chuckle and instantly some of the tension had eased.
"Do you want to say goodbye to Molly?" Harry asked, avoiding my question that I was now kind of curious about. "You will be seeing her on Friday so if-"
"Friday?" I questioned, wondering why he said Friday because that wasn't until three days time.
"I mean- well you'll see her today after mine I guess-" Harry paused and I couldn't help but wonder why he didn't think I would be seeing Molly until Friday and whether he thought I would stay over. "I was... I was just hoping you'd come to the party on Friday. Most of the crew are coming, and the boys and family members. It's just to celebrate the time we've all had together... and well I just wanted you to come as well. But you don't have to. I get why you wouldn't wan-"
"I'll come Harry" I cut in. But this time time I wasn't laughing at the fact that he was nervous over asking me. Instead my stomach was turning and I didn't understand why he was asking me. I didn't understand why he wanted me to be there. I didn't understand anything. All I knew was that I was suddenly second guessing whether I should come over to Harry's. "I'm going to say goodbye to Molly" Harry nodded his head but kept his attention in front of us.
I spotted Molly, still with Niall and also a women who I recognised as Maura after meeting her a few times when baby sitting Theo. I quickly quickened my pace, walking away from Harry and made my way over.
Molly saw me coming over and she said something to Niall and Maura before she quickly made her way towards me.
As soon as she we reached each other I flung my arms around her neck and held on to her tightly.
"Em, everything's going to be ok" I clung onto the back of her shirt tighter. "You're going to sort this out and everything will work out" She reassured me.
"I love him" I said it quieter then a whisper that I didn't know whether Molly would have heard me. But she did and she let out a breath.
"I know you do" She whispered back. "I know. But he doesn't and you need to tell him"
"I can't" I shook my head and pulled away. "I was going to, but- but I got interrupted by some backstage guy. And now I know I'm not supposed to tell him. Because he doesn't feel the same. He never will because he doesn't believe it even exists. And-"
"Emily" Molly interrupted. She nodded her head behind me. "Just go with him and sort this out" I looked behind me to Harry who was now talking with a guy. I turned back to Molly and pulled her into a hug again.
"I don't know what I would do without you"
"You'd die from overthinking everything too much" Molly chuckled before she pulled away. "Now go" She nodded her head to Harry again and I turned around. Molly gave my back two pats with both hands before giving me a slight push.
I made my way back over to Harry who already saw me coming.
"See you on Friday mate" Harry said to the guy.
"By Haz" The man walked away and Harry glanced down at me.
"Ready?" I gave him a nod before the two of us began walking away.
Oh my, just you wait for the next chapter

Love Doesn't Exist || H.S
FanfictionBOOK 1: She was a twenty one year old, trying to live her dream of managing a café. He was a member of the world famous boy band who didn't believe love existed... until he met her.
chapter twenty-nine
Start from the beginning