why couldn't she remember the last thing she said to him?

the water washes away the blood washing it straight down the drain a choked sob echoes around her bathroom, "oh god..."

Olivia goes back into her bedroom and crawls into bed, hopefully he'd be at school tomorrow morning.

Mason and Olivia got off the bus as usual but so far there was no sign of there friend, Garrett and Violet had joined them this morning which was extremely unusual "I'm not watching another movie on a Friday night. Mason, there's gotta be something going on."

"You remember we're freshmen, right? We just got off a school bus. We're not exactly gonna be hitting the clubs till : a.m." everyone knew that Olivia and Violet didn't like each other, it was a mutual dislike and when the group got together it often ended in a heated argument. one of them always make a rude remark about Liam or Garrett.

"Okay. Movie at your place." the couple heads off in the opposite direction.

"Hey. Liam, why weren't you on the bus?" Olivia turns quickly at the sound of he's name and pulls the boy into a tight hug sighing in relief.

"I ran."

"you ran three miles to school?" Olivia and Mason question at the same time glancing down at the foot that he injured just over 12 hours ago, there was no way it healed that quickly his stepfather ordered an xray for gods sake.

"Yeah. I just started running." she gets his need to workout but not before school, it was unusual for him.

"So I guess your leg's okay? What happened to your arm?" Liam breathes heavily leaving Mason's question unanswered.

"dude, are you okay?" his other bestfriend asks visibly worried.

"I'll talk to you later. I gotta get to class." Olivia follows him and the two juniors into the school, she wasn't going to let them hurt him again, one of them was a monster wearing a humans skin targeting her bestfriend.

"No, you need to back the hell up, okay? Both of you." she hears Liam yell hiding around the corner watching from a safe distance, "Can you just listen for one second. Please? Liam... We're brothers now." Olivia's brows furrowed in confusion.

"oh, god. that's..."

"The bite... The bite is a gift." he was delusional and crazy, perfect mixture.

"Scott, stop. Please stop. You, you, we're trying to help you, you little runt." that name was so familiar but Olivia couldn't quite place where she had heard it before or who she had heard it from. probably in the halls.

"By kidnapping me?"

"just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you. Okay? I aided and abetted." Olivia was beginning to like this other guy, he was just full of sarcasm and hostility it was practically a package deal.

"Liam, I've gone through this before. Something's happening to you. Something big." she stepped into the hall revealing herself to everyone, a scowl permanently stuck to her face Scott was only making her madder.

"Nothing's happening to me. Nothing." Liam ripped off the bandage and reached over grabbing Olivia pulling her away from the two Juniors.

♡ ♡ ♡

per usual, Olivia Beckett was the last person to hear about the party Liam Dunbar had been asked out and invited all of his friends except the one person who had been with him for literally day one. "are you kidding me?" She yelled into the phone, Mason had asked her if she wanted to catch a ride with him.

"I'm outside." the call hangs up.

she steps outside closing her front door silently jogging over to the car, "why wasn't I told about this earlier?" Mason shrugs nonchalantly and returns to looking down at he's phone.

the trip to Lydia Martin's lake house took just under 15 minutes and when Olivia says everyone was showing up she's not over exaggerating, Mason is the first to get to the front door knocking on it softly.

"Hey. Uh, are we in the right place?"

"for the party?" they stare at Lydia waiting for an answer, "Absolutely." everyone cheers filling into the small lake house Olivia smiles apologetically and steps inside admiring the elegant décor and home feeling to it.

where the hell was Liam?

the crowds were beginning to grow by the minute and it was beginning to feel suffocating, Olivia made her way outside gasping for breath tears welling up in her eyes, she needed her bestfriend and he wasn't around to help her through it.

glass shattering in the distance making her flinch in fear, Olivia walked towards it leaves and sticks crunching beneath the bottom of her black combat boots. "Liam?" she whisper shout noticing his dirty blonde hair in the distance, something was different about him.

everything happened so fast, Liam leapt at her knocking her down roughly his beautiful blue eyes were replaced with a bright amber colour and hair grew from his face. "get off me!" she cried as he snarled at her.

Liam's claws pierced her thighs making her scream in pain, she'd never felt anything like it before it was excruciating. Scott appears behind them pushing Liam off effortlessly as if the 15 year old boy weighed nothing.

blood pooled from the wound staining her light washed jeans a dark red, a beautiful girl kneeled beside her wrapping a piece of fabric around Olivia's thigh tightening it to stop the bleeding. "stay with me.."

she inhales sharply trying to catch her breath, Liam had left her winded.

Kira stared at the 16 year old girl unable to do anything except gently pull her over to the boathouse and rest her against a pillar, "stay awake, Olivia."

the last thing that Olivia sees is Kira running away screaming for somebody, anybody to help.

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