Chapter 2: Dated a year now it's time move together and got married

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Danny and maria graduated high school.
Maria applied for John Jay and got in. Danny enlisted into the marines and was leaving soon.

Hey maria will you move in with me? Danny asked
Yeah danny I will. Maria said

They find a house that's 2 bedrooms and fell in love with in so they rented it. They moved in with the help of the family.

2 months later

Hey maria will you get dressed were going some where please? Danny asked
Yes I will. Maria said

She went and got dressed in a red dress and heels.

Ypu look beautiful baby. Danny said
Thanks danny. Maria said

Danny took them to where they had there first walk and he got down on one knee and proposed to maria.

Maria I have known you for five years and 4 of them we have been best friends and a year we have dated and I know you are the love of my life will you marry me? Danny asked
Yes danny a million time yes I'll marry you. Maria said
He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her

Telling the family
At the family house.
Betty, Henry, Frank, Mary, Erin, Joe, Jaime were all waiting for Danny and Maria to show up.
Danny and Maria walked into the house

We have announcement to make. Danny said
What is it? Mary asked
Were getting married. Maria said
Congratulations. Everyone said and they all hugged
When do you plan on getting married? Erin asked
4 months. Maria said
Why? Jamie asked
We want to be married before I leave for basic. Danny said
Oh. Jaime said
We can work with that. Frank said

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