i ; welcome back

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When Aurora King left Birmingham when she was eight years old, saying The Shelby's weren't as fun would be a statement.

Especially, Finn's happiness was brought down at the leave of his only best friend. Nobody knew where the light of Birmingham went, except herself and Polly.

But, she didn't know she'd come back..


Aurora's head was buried in amongst the printed pages of Alice in Wonderland- an all time favourite of the brunette's.Her deep brown eyes scanning over the typed words, letting wonderland become clear in her head, her imagination was one of the best things about Aurora.

Her smile slightly twitching at the sides of her mouth, leaning her back on the windowsill that supported her, as the slight winter breeze escape into her bedroom, the front pieces of her silky brown hair gracefully swaying around almost as if they were dancing, like the trees in a windy storm during the night, that kept the girl up most nights.

"Aurora! Can you come down here please?"The soft voice of her grandmother, Magnolia, rang from the bottom of the staircase. Aurora, slowly put her red ribbon inside her page she was on, bookmarking it securely as the paperback hit the white wooden windowsill with a soft thud.

Gently, Aurora jumped down from her spot she was oddly comfortable in. Her baby blue dress with the white embroidered gardenia's linked around the collar and sleeves's that rolled up to her elbows. The frilly white socks she wore, slid against the polished flooring of her cottage. The birds tweeting outside as the padded footsteps of Aurora running down the stairs carefully, swinging off the bannister and meeting in the middle of the living room where a large gramophone sat steadily on the oak table next to the green velvet couch that Aurora spent most of her nap time on.

"What's up? Do i have feed the squirrels, because i already did it this morning."Aurora laughed, picking her head up as she felt the powerful brown eyes belonging to her 'Aunt' Polly, who was holding a tea cup in hand as she sat comfortably on the armchair across from the fireplace, that wasn't crackling with the dancing flames as usual, this cold season.

"Hiya Love, God. . . you have grown." Polly smiled sweetly, setting her teacup down on the table, grazing her hand up Aurora's face.

"Polly!"Aurora grinned, throwing her arms around her body as she inhaled her light Vanilla scent, her smile growing like a blossoming flower in the spring.

"Why are you here?"Aurora chuckled, fiddling with the switchblade in her pocket that she kept for safety, even though she hid razor blades in her hair.

"Because. . .it's time i took you home."Polly said gently, as Aurora glanced back at her Grandmother who was smiling happily at them.

"Are you sure?"Aurora gasped, as she watched them nod, her legs took off thudding up the stairs as she bounced onto her bed, throwing all her things into a case even though she had things down at Polly's.

After goodbyes and farewells, Aurora and Polly walked down the streets of Watery Lane making conversation, as Polly arms was looped through Aurora's. Until, they reached the house and got passed pedestrians, Aurora relaxed onto the couch as she drank some tea while reading a book in her hands, her teacup on the table next to her while Polly read her newspaper.

"Aunt Pol!"John's voice called out, as he walked into the living room, then spotting Aurora on the couch as he slapped the book out her hand and threw her in the air.

"Oh thank fuck you're here!"John breathed against her, holding her close until she felt another pair of arms take her away.

"Arthur!"Aurora squealed, wrapping her arms around his body as she leaned her head on his chest.

"Rory?"Finn stammered out in shock, his eyes glazing as Aurora ran into his arms, wrapping his legs around his waist as she hid her smile into his neck.

"What's up mate!"Aurora laughed, as Finn securely held her tightly, his head leaning on hers as he chuckled lightly.

"Oh god, where's Tommy?"Aurora gasped at her words, as a strong pair of airs lifted her up over his shoulder as Tommy chuckled while he ran into the living room and dropped her on the couch.

"Tom!"Aurora yelled, her smile brighting the room.

"Rory!"Tommy exclaimed in the same tone, as Finn chuckled to himself.

She was back.

And that's all that mattered to him.

𝗞𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗥 𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗘𝗡 - 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗯𝘆Where stories live. Discover now