Avoidance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

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His room wasn't far. All he had to do was hold it together until then. He could do it. He was the master keeping a cool facade. However his body chose to betray him, he would make it.

Sweat beading slow at his temples and his breath coming in harsh pants, the more he tried to hide them the harder they came. He chanced a look around but as far as he could tell no one had caught onto his flustered state. Good. He didn't wish to discuss his current state of mind with any of the crew, or anyone at all for that matter.

Rounding the last corner to his waiting sanctuary, Marco faltered in his footing, Ace inclined casually against the door. The irony was staggering, being that this was exactly who he had been trying to avoid. The blonde, laughing bitterly at his own misfortune, continued toward his intended destination.

Knowing he couldn't slip past the kid without greeting, Marco lazily inclined his head as he reached for the handle. He would have made it inside too if the meddling teen could have kept his damn hands to himself. Those sinfully hot hands, wrapped, large and calloused as any fighters, around Marco's wrist. Ace's questioning gaze bore into the older man as he willed his body not to react. Of course it did, his breath hitched and his eyes flicked unconnsiously to Ace's lips. Full and begging to be kissed.


This past week he'd been successful in preventing just this. Keeping himself busy with various duties around the ship, even taking on one's that - as first commander - were below his skill level. He had thought, or hoped, Ace hadn't noticed. Stupid of him really, the kid had impeccable observation skills.

Of their own accord, apparently, Marco's legs shifted him toward Ace, almost closing what little distance there was between them. His usually tired eyes, lidded even more so as he glanced down to meet onyx ones, mirroring his own want perfectly within them. Marco, placing his forefinger beneath Ace's chin to keep his gaze, dipped his head, edging ever closer to the younger man.

Fire seared through Marco as his lips touched Ace's lightly, lingering over them, testing the waters. Ace shuddered and the blonde suppressed a relieved sigh. Their breath mingled, eyes fluttered closed as their breathing became equally shaken. Salacious anticipation building teasingly slow between the two.

"Please..." The quivering lips below his whispered, longingly.

That was all Marco needed. The sound of Ace's plea had depleted what was left of his questionable self control. His hand slipped around the youngers neck, finger tips working through long black waves - unexpectedly soft ones at that - as he finally laid his lips fully upon Ace's.

There was no fight for dominance, Ace compliantly parted his lips, granting Marco's wandering tongue access. Immediately his senses became clouded as he explored the smaller man. How long had he desired this? How long had he suppressed his need to feel Ace's body against his, writhing and shuddering beneath him in ecstacy?

Hell, if he knew.

Ace's fingers dug into the skin of his hips, Marco instinctively bucking them in response. A low moan, drew breathlessly from the smaller man and Marco needed to hear more of that. Bringing the hand that wasn't tangled in Ace's hair to the small of his back, the blonde pulled him closer.

He had already been all too aware of his own arousal, but now that he could feel Ace, hard and pressed against him, his desire turned carnal. He turned, Ace's back colliding with the wooden door as he groaned, legs instinctively lifting to wrap around Marco's larger frame. Both of them lost in their own mind as they ground into one another, bodies aching.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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