Chapter 34 • Penalty Box

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Her adorable laugh echoes throughout the loo and I grin as I feel around the tiles to turn the shower faucet on. As the gradually warming water pelts onto my palm, I listen to JJ as she undresses.

"Okay. I'm getting even colder now. Is the shower ready?"

"I think it's the perfect temperature. Can you-"

"Get in first? Yes, I will. Then I'll help you in, just like I always do," she says, placing her hand on my shoulder. "No need to worry, love." I smile softly at her words and I sense that she's in the stall now. "Alright, gimme your hand."

She takes my hand and I carefully step inside, using my toes to feel where the edge of the bathtub is. Once I'm inside, I hear the door click shut and I feel her hands on my chest.

Grinning, I smooth my hands around her waist to rest behind her lower back, "Are you getting enough water stream?"

"Uhm, if we turn slightly this way . . ." JJ drawls out the word, guiding me to turn counterclockwise. "There. Now both of us are under the stream. Mm, that feels nice."

I hum in agreement, taking a small step closer to her and I duck my head down in hopes she catches my hint. Her arms rest on my shoulders and it lets me know she's caught my hint and I flinch slightly as her nose brushes against mine.

"Sorry," she mutters, making me grin.

"It's okay, love. Just kiss me."

I feel her lips form in a smile before capturing mine in a kiss and I tilt my head one way while she tilts her head in the opposite direction. She moans against my lips and I slip my tongue in her mouth. Her tongue meets mine and as our kiss deepens, I let my hands smooth down her bum and I grab two handfuls, making her moan into our kiss.

She pulls away, breathing harshly against my parted mouth and I loosen my grip. "No, I liked it."

"Liked what?"

"What you did just now."

"'That' as in grabbing your bum?"

"Mhm," she hums favorably, languidly smoothing her hands on my chest.

"Good. I didn't know if I was being too rough."

"Mm, you've always been the right amount of rough. I'll let you know if it becomes too much."

"Good. You better," I smirk, gently tapping her bum. "And just so you know, I'm going to treat you even more delicately than I have before."

"What? Why?"

I tilt my head at her, "Because you're carrying our twins. I want to protect you. I want to protect my growing family."

She breathes out my name, carding her hand through my wet hair. Since she's already given me permission to touch her belly without asking her beforehand, I slide my hands around her hips until they reach her soft belly. The warm water trickles over my hands as they explore my wife's belly and I shake my head in awe.

"I can't believe it."

"Believe what?" she asks.

"I can't believe our babies that we created are in there. I'm gonna be a dad. I can't wait to meet them . . . and find out which one loves sour grapes and which one dislikes eggs." She giggles at my words. "You have no idea how happy I am, JJ."

"I'm happy, too, Harry and it's all because of you, and you're going to be a wonderful father. I know we're both scared since this is uncharted territory for both of us, but we'll figure it out together."

She cups my cheeks and gently pulls me down until our lips meet in a soft kiss. I respond quickly by wrapping my arms around her waist and I pull her closer to me as our kiss deepens. The way our naked bodies are pressed up against each other isn't making it easy to keep myself in check, but I also know the possibility of having sex is out of the question since she's said she's tired.

Considering the way she's moving her body against mine, I might need to rub one out after she falls asleep.

JJ hums, pulling away from our kiss and I feel her head rest on my chest. Soft sobs and quick breaths let me know she's crying and I hold her that much closer.

"Pregnancy hormones?" I ask and she nods her head on my chest. Her words make me grin and I press a kiss to her wet hair. "C'mon, love, let's finish in here so we can go to bed."

"Okay, okay," she sniffs loudly, leaning back from my embrace. "I'm fine. It's just the hormones. I know you're worried."

"Ah, my wife is smart," I give her a cheeky smile. "If you turn around, I'll shampoo your hair."

"And give a little head massage?"

"Of course," I say, reaching for the bottle in the caddy and I feel around for the nozzle. With three pumps of shampoo in my palm, I lather it's up in my hands. "Guide me, please."

Her hands take my wrists and she guides them to what I recognize as the back of her head. Since her hair is already saturated with water, it makes it easy to work in the shampoo and I remember to massage lightly.

"Mm, that feels nice. Thank you, but lemme rinse this shampoo out. It's starting to get in my eyes."

"Shit, I'm sorry, love."

"It's okay, but you owe a pound in the swear jar, and as a penalty, you owe me a kiss."

"I'd say that's fair. Rinse out your hair and I'll wait right here in the penalty box," I joke, earning a giggle at my joke and I feel her step around me. "Please be careful, JJ."

"I am, love. M'holding onto the handlebar."

"Alright," I doubtingly say.

While I'm worried for my wife and unborn babies' safety, JJ hums a little happy tune, seemingly unbothered. I'm glad, in a way because there's no point in both of us being nervous wrecks.

"Okay, m'done."

I smirk, "And what about my penalty? What's my punishment, love?"

"Oh uhm, how about a kiss?"

"A kiss? That's all?"

"What? You don't like my kisses anymore?"

"No, I mean, yes, I like your kisses. I meant . . . well shit, I-"

"Tsk tsk, that's another deposit in the swear jar."

Grinning, I reach out to wrap my arms around her waist and to hold her close, "And another kiss?"

"You really are trouble, aren't you?" she muses, sliding her hands down to my bum and she gives it a little squeeze. "Would you care for me to wash your hair now?"

"Sure," I reply with a grin, anticipating what's to come.

"Turn this way," she places her hands on my shoulders and guides me to turn around. "There. Okay, now lean back just a tad so the water can get to your hair."

I follow her instruction and close my eyes as the hot water begins to saturate my hair and trickle down my body.

"Y'know something, it's funny."

"What's funny?" JJ asks with interest, working the shampoo within my hair.

"We've been out of the pool for a couple of hours but it still feels like I'm wading."

"I'd say you've lost the plot."

"What?" I gasp in fake offense, making her giggle.

"M'just teasing you, love. Alright, you can rinse out the shampoo now. I'll get my body wash and sponge ready."

"Then we can rinse off and have a snack before we go to bed. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect."***

A/N: Long time no update 🙈 I'm so sorry it's taken so long. I've given my 2 weeks' notice at my work and I'm heading into my last 3 days so I'm a little emotional (I like the people I work with, it's the customers that have driven me mad lol)

I'll be busy packing and moving next Friday but I'll try to make time to write/update. Thank you for your patience.

Don't forget to press the star ⭐️ to vote if you liked this chapter. Until next time!

Much Love.

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