Chapter 1

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Okay so quick note this will not follow twilight or any of the books, This is purely a fanfic I thought the idea of Edward and jasper sharing a mate was a neat idea. Well without further ado here we go.
Oh and before I forget there is adult content but I will warn you if it gets to heated ;). And there is slight abuse.

"Scarlet Ray I swear if i don't see you down stairs in 5 minutes you will regret it!" I hear my mom shout up at at 7:20 in the morning. I groggily get up out of my bed and make my way to my bathroom to brush my teeth. Ugh why did we have to move, I swear every time my mom gets a new boyfriend we move close to him and she forgets about me and acts like I'm a burden to her. I roll my eyes at that thought as brush my teeth and fix my long purple hair into a ponytail. Yeah down side to having a mom who doesn't care is she literally does not care one iota what I do. I could shave my hair and get face tattoos and she would blink just shove me in a room and lock the door.

I step back and look at myself, I don't look bad I have long purple hair, grey blue eyes that change color, I'm about 5'5" okay okay 5'4". But I don't care what others think. I go back in my room and put on my dark blue skinny jeans and my purple Metallica shirt with my black converse. I put on my purple beanie when my mom slams the door open.

" I told you 5 minutes and it's been 10 now get your butt down stares now." She all but screams at me as she grabs my wrist with her long manicured nails.

"Ouch, mom you're hurting me!" I plead her as we descend the stairs. "Let go of me" I struggle to get free and finally do and dart out the door before she can say or do anything else. All I hear is her shout nonsense as I run all the way to the forks high school.

Thankfully the high school isn't to far away and I make with plenty of time to spare. As I walk across the parking lot I see a Volvo, a Jeep And a Porsche sitting in the parking lot as other students are pulling in. I notice that all 5 of them are gorgeous and stunningly beautiful. But it's two guys I notice I cant stop staring at. One has brown hair and a grey coat on while the other looks in pain and has blonde hair and the most gorgeous eyes.

Wait he is looking at me, at that moment I get flustered as the other guy notices me and I almost trip over a stupid rock. I catch myself and start laughing quietly to my self. I notice the deep intentions on my wrist and my mood changes, I get out a braclet to hide the marks left by my mom.i get up and walk to the office where I get my schedule I find out I have mostly senior classes but I have to take a junior class due to having to much credit. Figures not enough room left in senior classes so I have to take junior biology again. At least I have history first, that's a plus I love history.

I walk out of the front office head buried in my map when I bump into a hard object, well two hard objects.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..." I look up as I say this and notice it's none other than brown and blonde. Hehe my nicknames for them " I mean I am a klutz"

I heard two deep slight chuckles as I said that, and my face went red with embarrassment.

"It's okay ma'am" the blonde one said in a thick southern accent. I nearly swooned when I heard that voice, hold it together Scarlett just because they are smoking hot does not mean you can fan girl. I tell myself as I manage to say

"Well again im sorry" I urgently said as I side stepped them to go to my class. I practically run to history thinking I can just sneak in the back but no the teacher noticed me. I said my name and sat down in the back and waited for the rest of the students to arrive.

My two mates (Edward and jasper and oc)Where stories live. Discover now