Taehyung had a bit of a worried expression but he trusted Jungkook will keep his word and take them off when Taehyung asked. So he will try to be a big boy and accept it as long he can.

"now lay still and let me prepare you" jungkook grinned and kneeled down. He spread taehyung's legs apart and lowered his head. Placing soft kisses on taehyung's belly. He lowered down until he came to the spot he was aiming for. Licking the hybrids member. It made taehyung shiver but he liked it.

"oh are you sensitive today?'' Jungkook said with a chuckle and grabbed the hybrid member stroking it slowly. Taehyung nodded biting his lip. Suddenly he felt a warmth around his member and he gasped seeing jungkook's lips wrap around it.

"a-ah kook you-" he shut up when jungkook began bobbing his head up and down. The hybrid couldn't help but let out a soft breathy moan and make fists with his hand.

But jungkook didn't keep going for long. When he felt taehyung's hips buckle he pulled away with a smirk.

"that's enough," he said and stepped back. He raised something that looked like a oval shape.

"w-whats that?" taehyung asked, trying to ignore his hard member wanting to be touched.

"this is something that will make you feel good. It vibrates" jungkook explained quick and simple. He had out lube in his hand making sure to coat the object completely. "i cant wait to use this" he mumbled. He had been wanting to use this on the hybrid for a long time, and now was his moment.

"what-ah" taehyung felt jungkook push the object inside his hole. It wasn't painful but he did feel a stretch from the shape. It was pushed all the way and disappeared.

"so, that will stay there. Now let me see how high you can go" jungkook said walking back holding a small remote. He sat down on the chair a bit too far away to taehyung's liking. But the hybrid didnt have long to think about that when he felt the thing inside of him vibrate.

His tail curled and uncurled when a wave of pleasure went through him.

"it got ten...Lets start at four" jungkook said and turned it on the fourth. Taehyung let out a hugh pitched sound when the vibrating got intense suddenly.

"maybe a five" jungkook said seeing taehyung just lay there. He turned it higher and then got the reaction he wanted. Taehyung moaned and arched his back, squirming around on the bed.

"a-ah" the hybrid moaned and his legs move up and down not knowing what to do. He was feeling good and it was only building up more and more.

Jungkook's eyes darken and he zipped open his pants lowering one hand into his boxers. He watched hybrid while stroking his own member. Licking his lips as the sight.

"fuck.. sexy" he mumbled and turned it one more higher. Taehyung then moaned loud and came. Jungkook watched the hybrids legs tremble as he couldnt do anything about the continuously vibrating against his prostate.

Taehyungs high ended but the thing kept vibrating. It was getting too much as he already came. Jungkook turned it to eight making taehyung flinch and curl his toes.

"a-ah kookie, its too much" Taehyung said.

"hm" jungkook observed the hybrid's actions. He knew they had a safe word but he was paying attention to the other in case he wasn't feeling good anymore before saying the word.

"can you do two more" jungkook said it wasn't actually a question. He took off his pants and stood up walking to the bed. Taehyung looked at him with teary eyes and a flushed face. His lips parted. Jungkook bend down kissing the hybrid's lips. Immediately taehyung kissed back and his body relaxed for a moment.

JEON'S HYBRID 2 [vkook]Where stories live. Discover now