Meanwhile, Princess Lucresia confronted her future husband and asked him directly, "Why did you helped me in the first place, Your Grace. What is your intention on doing all of this?" She asked the apple-green haired young Duke who looked at her in a serious expression that she had never seen before.

"I want you to accept me, Your Highness. That's why, I did a deep investigation about your new Lady-in-Waiting and sad to say, she is related to Duke Jenna." He revealed the significant information about the cruel Countess.

"Does His Majesty aware of that information about the Countess? and don't you think that Duke Jenna is behind of my attempted poisoning from the Countess?" Lucresia demanded angrily towards her future husband who was the close ally by that old fox.

Of course, Allendis couldn't answer that question because of his close connection with the old Duke and his business relationship with the Aristocrat Faction. If Duke Jenna is behind of his future wife's attempted poisoning then, it'll be a different story.

"I don't know, Princess Lucresia." He revealed in an uncertain tone and Lucresia can't believe that this person had to be so ignorant. She sighed dissapointingly, "You're really hopeless, Duke Verita. I'm so dissapointed." She walked away angrily and never tried to look at the yearning apple-green haired young Duke.


"I'm sorry, Your Excellency. I didn't expect that I would get caught by Her Highness. Please...have mercy." The fallen Countess begged with tears fallen down to her cheeks. She was in the prison cell and was very helpless and pitiful. The former Countess who is now a criminal was in front of these corrupt aristocrats whom she had associated with and she has a feelings of anger and fear over their leader, Duke Jenna.

The elder Duke sighed, "Countess Louvie, it's really ashame that you failed to kill the princess. I have invested so much of my fortune on your human trafficking business for the past decade and such simple task of poisoning is such a hard task for you to comply?" His dangerous tone shudders the former noblewoman.

"It is my mistake! Please help me release from this prison and I shall do it again! I will kill the Princess for sure! Your Excellency!" She said in a desperate tone.

But the elder Duke's loyal cohorts glared down at her disgustingly, "Such a shameless woman! How dare you demand such thing to His Excellency!" Count Hamel berated the former noblewoman harshly and others spurts insults against her calling her dirty names and all.

Duke Jenna silenced his loyal aristocrat followers, "Just like what the others says, you are failure. Countess, so do us a favor and die for our cause to save yourself from your pathetic life." He sneered and he grab something on his pocket revealing a small dose of poison that lethally kills a person whoever's consume it. The fallen Countess's warm tears fell down her cheeks as the evil Duke forced her swallow the poison as her body collapses.


Two months later

A grand wedding happens in the cathedral and almost all the royalties and noblities attended the wedding between Princess Lucresia Flayn Shana Castina and Duke Allendis de Verita in front of Emperor Ruveliss Kamaludin Shana Castina and his only Empress- Jieun who was very happy for her best friend, Lucresia to be married but unknown to her, it was only political that only few people who knows including the Emperor.

Ruveliss' stoic expression observed his sister's solemn look besides the condescending look of the young Duke Verita who possessively clings the Princess' arm while listening to the homily of the High Priest. His emerald eyes glanced at the stoic look of the princess and he couldn't help but to boiling in anger inside; this is supposed to be a happy day for the both of them getting married but the Princess didn't even expres any sort of happiness in her beautiful face.

He frowns, "When the wedding night happens, I'm going to punish her." He thought darkly. Princess Lucresia is his official legal wife now and she belongs to him and him only and every part of her as well, Allendis couldn't wait to have the Princess all to himself!

Meanwhile, the Crown Prince of Athenia Empire- Prince Noah Li Athena was present together with the envoys from Athenia Empire. They were invited by the First Princess herself and many nobles from the capital were shocked that the envoys from the neighboring empire were invited to the Princess' wedding and they started to speculate that there might be a hidden alliance between the Castina Empire and the Athenia Empire.

Prince Noah could sensed that her female maternal cousin is seemingly feel discomfort about this wedding and he understands that because her groom was a psycho and eccentric that she admitted to him that it was a political marriage that she didn't ask for and Prince Noah couldn't help but to be sympathize towards Princess Lucresia. "If I had in my way, I will just kidnap her and bring her to grandmother." He thought grimly and Prince Noah is not the only one but Carsein as well. He also, didn't like the idea that his paternal female cousin is getting married to the weirdo. Carsein had known Allendis for a long time and he was aware of what the young Duke's real persona is.

But he had no choice but to accept it. After all, it was the will of the emperor and he cannot protests that imperial order for his maternal female half-cousin.

After both Lucresia and Allendis exchanged their vows and rings, the princess seem hesitant to kiss him again. She mentally scolded herself that there's no way for her to escape this marriage with Allendis because her loved ones will be in compromise and she won't let that happen so she decided to resign herself and accept this reluctant fate.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The High Priest said in a calm tone and Allendis immediately kissed his new wife much to the shock of the visitors in the cathedral including both Ruveliss and Jieun. The Emperor's fist clenched tightly from his imperial seat while watching how Allendis kissed the First Princess and he doesn't understand why he was so bothered by it.

It's like this negative emotions similar to the ones he saw the a certain silver haired young woman.

The Abandoned Empress: A Princess's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now