Chapter 20: Squashed potato

Start from the beginning

I laughed at him. "One kiss? Please! You guys would have gone all the way if I hadn't stopped you."

Now Dean glared at me. "I'm gonna be tortured like this until I ask her out, aren't I?"

All of us said at the same time. "YES!"

"Okay, Okay jeez."

Alex and Jake walked to our table and sat down. Alex didn't even have to ask; he already knew we were annoying Dean and joined in. Jake just sat quietly by himself, not talking to anyone. I nudged him with my elbow. "Hey, what's wrong?"

He looked up with a blank look on his face. "Sorry, I've been really tired these days."

"I've told you a million times, you do way too much."

"If I want to get into Stanford, I have to. I've been doing two people's homework."

I frowned at him. "Two people? Don't tell me someone's bullying you into doing their homework."

"No, nothing like that. I've been helping my girlfriend with hers."

I stayed silent. This was awkward. Jake and I didn't have feelings for each other anymore, but it was still weird when he talked about his girlfriend. I thought it would be different by now since we dated for like two months almost a year ago.

"Who's this mystery girlfriend? When are we going to meet her?" I grinned at him.

"Uh, you guys probably know her anyway."

I shook his shoulders. "Come on! Tell me! I'm your friend."

He sighed. "Fine. It's... Veronica."

Cue the scratching record noise. I gaped at him. "What?!"

I may have yelled a little too loud, because people around us turned and gave us dirty looks.

"Sorry." I whispered. "Say what?"

All our friends were looking at us. "What happened dummy? Why're you screaming?" Leah asked. That's when Britney sat down with us. "What's going on?"

I felt my face become a little hot. "Sorry. It's just that I found out this idiot-" I flicked him on the forehead. "-is dating Veronica Davis."

Now it was my friends turn to gape at him. "What the actual fuck?" Alex asked. "How?"

Jake looked like a cornered rabbit, staring at us with wide eyes. "Can you guys chill? Do you want the entire cafeteria staring at us?"

I was still surprised. Why on earth would the diva bitch queen of the school want to date Jake Henderson? Not that Jake wasn't awesome, but Veronica would never date anyone who wasn't a jock, or was totally rich. Then it hit me. Judging by the looks on my friends faces; I could tell they were thinking the same thing.

Caleb started to speak. "Okay, Jake man listen-"

Jake cut him off. "I know what you're about to say Caleb. She's not using me for her homework okay? We really like each other."

Before anyone could reply, Dean was called over by the football team, and he left. Alex being their equipment manager, went with them too. That just left Britney, Leah, Caleb and me with Jake.

I tried to say something, but Caleb whispered in my ear. "You guys get out of here. I'll tell him. He's not going to listen with you guys here. You know how he is around people."

I nodded. "Britney, Leah, I need your help with something. Come on."

Leah looked at me confused. "What thing?"

I glared at her. "Remember...? That thing..."

Luckily Britney caught on and dragged Leah away. We walked out of the cafeteria and into an empty hallway. Leah rolled her eyes at us. "Seriously guys? You've got to stop treading around Jake like he's a child. So, he's a little sensitive? Come on."

"Okay, can we talk about something else? Like, tell me what I've missed." I intercepted.

Britney and Leah exchanged weird looks. I raised my eyebrows at them. "Seriously guys? I'm just tired of seeing and hearing about problems in the last two weeks."

Britney opened her mouth to say something, when a guy just randomly walked in the middle of the hallway. What was with all the interruptions?

He just stood there and started into space, standing right in the middle of the corridor. "Uh, what's up with him?" I asked confused.

Leah replied. "Oh, yeah. Liam came out to his parents a week ago. They didn't take it so well. He's been like that all week."

"Wow, no wonder the school in so gloomy looking."

Liam was like the alpha of the school. He was funny, charming and an ultimate prankster, and was nice to everyone. The whole school loved him. No one cared that he was gay, everyone just loved him. He was like the life and soul of the student body.

Britney shrugged. "Yeah. It's like somebody pulled out the heart of the school."

Liam finally noticed us and came over. "Hey guys."

"Hey Liam. You okay?"

"I'm fine thanks."

He walked away.


"Holy shit!"

Caleb came running out of the cafeteria with Dean on his tail. Dean looked like he was just about reading to smash a tuna casserole in Caleb's face, and Caleb looked like he was gonna pee his pants! I started laughing so hard, I think apple juice came out of my nose.

Dean pounced on him like a cheetah, while Caleb cried out. Dean was literally sitting on him, holding the tuna casserole above his head, and smashing it into Caleb's face.

Caleb's face was completely messed up. Mayo coating his face like a mask, and tuna stuck in his nose. His expression was hilarious. There was tuna casseroles splattered all over the lockers and walls.

"Mr. Anderson! Mr. Cooper!"

Uh oh.

The principal came towards them, his face fuming and red as a beetroot. "That's enough! In my office! Now!"

Caleb stared at him. "What? But-"

"No buts, or no butts! Get in! Now!"

Dean and Caleb started to get up, and that's when the craziest thing happened.

Dean's foot slipped on the mayo on the floor, his entire body jumping into the air. The principal just stood there over them, not realising what was about to happen.

Dean's jeans, now covered in tuna casserole, was filthy. He flew into the air like a crazed maniac, and butt landed on principal Turner, right in the face.


Turner went down before he even knew what hit him. Dean's butt landed right on top of his face, pinning him to the ground.

I nearly died. I really might die of laughter. Everyone was now outside the cafeteria, watching the scene and filming the entire thing on their phones. They got another surprise, while Caleb snorted tuna casserole out of his nose, hugging his stomach and rolling on the floor.

"Holy crap, principal Turner, I'm so sorry!" Dean was trying to sound genuine, but he was clearly trying to hold in his laughter. Turner stood up, his chubby beetroot red face, now covered in casserole, making him look like a squashed potato. "BOTH OF YOU IN MY OFFICE, NOW!"

Caleb and Dean walked after him, waving to the crowd and throwing flying kisses like they were celebrities. "Cooper! Cooper! Cooper!"

Everyone started to chant his name and throw their arms in the air, until the teachers shooed us all back to class. That was the funniest shit ever.

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