Dean and Pie

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"You're out of pie?"

You turn and see a tall handsome man standing by the counter, frowning at the empty pie display.

"I have one coming out of the oven in ten minutes if you want to wait that long." You reply.

"Depends. It is cherry?"

"So, you're the one buying up all my cherry pies!" You accuse with a playful grin.

"So, you're the one who makes the best gas station pie I've ever eaten!" He gives you a wink and a heart-wrenching smile.

"I suppose so. Y/N." You offer your hand across the counter. He shakes it, his hold on your fingers lingering just a little longer than necessary.


"Well, Dean, nice to meet you. Glad you like the pies."

"If I'd known someone as good looking as you was makin 'em, I'd have been in here sooner, rather than sending my brother." He flirts shamelessly.

You laugh and head to the back to check the oven. The pie is done, so you pull it out and wrap it up, carrying it back upfront to him.

"Here, on the house."

"Really?" He looks like a kid in a candy store, his eyes lighting up when you place the pie in his outstretched hands.

"Yup. Enjoy it."

He thanks you and starts to leave, then hesitates at the door. "Hey, Y/N, what time do you get off?"

You glance up at the clock. "About 15 minutes, why?"

"Any chance you'd wanna share this with me?" He asks hopefully.

You pretend to consider it.

"I guess that'd be okay, but are you sure you can wait that long to eat it?" You tease.

He stares down at the pie wistfully.

"Might wanna bring another with you, just in case."

Dean DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now