"I know you do," He moved away from her car as she got in. "Say hello to the little one for me."

"Will do,"She said as he waved goodbye. "Bye."


When she got to Josh's school, she had to go to his class to pick him up. She saw him sitting dejectedly at the back of the class, she started worrying immediately. However, when he saw her walk in to the class, the smile that erupted on his face surprised her. It had been a while since she seen her five year old son look so happy to see her. She couldn't help smiling back at him. He got up and ran to her, seeing as he was already wearing his backpack.

"Let's go, Mommy," He tugged her along.

"Josh. You haven't said goodbye to your teacher," She actually thought he would go up to her to say goodbye.

"Bye, Miss Rose," He actually just shouted. That meant Ella had to turn and wave at the teacher.

"Do you have all your stuff? Your books? And your lunch box?"

He actually sighed. "Yes Mommy. I'm not stupid," She raised an eyebrow at him. His reply had shocked her.

"I don't think you're stupid. People forget stuff sometimes," She replied.

"Okay," He said shortly.

She was seating in the driver's seat of her car, about to start the engine when she remembered that she had to go pick up supplies for the bakery.

"Josh, how do you feel about going to the market with Mommy?" She knew he hated it, but there was nothing to be done.

"Ugh. Mommy, no."

"I just have to pick up a few things for the bakery real quick," She told him.

"Do you have to buy meat?"

"Meat? No. Why?" She asked, puzzled.

"Because the meat place is smelly. I don't mind. As long as we're not buying meat," He replied.

"Thank you."

When she got home that evening, she had to give Josh lunch, help him with his homework then she let him watch TV while she prepared dinner, then she gave him dinner, then helped him with his bath then put him to bed.

When she finally hit her bed, a sigh of pleasure escaped her lips. Why had she thought that quitting her regular job and buying a bakery was a good idea? Add being a single mom into the equation and what do you get? Regular body ache.

Were there times when she wished she were married? Sure. But she also liked not having to answer to anybody. Well, except Josh, and the young man had enough questions.

Okay, so sometimes she wished she were married. It would have been nice to have someone to help her out at home, but she was doing okay, she and Josh were a team and they were doing just fine.

Just as she was about to drift off into precious oblivion, her phone rang. Only one person would be calling her at this time;


"Yo, Emmanuella!" Jasmine shouted at ungodly decibels.

"Why?" Ella asked with a sigh.

"What are you up to?" Jasmine asked with her characteristic cheerfulness.

"I was just about to fall asleep, Jazz."

"Ah, screw sleep. There are more important issues at hand," Jazz said. "So tomorrow is Friday."

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Oh, you know what I mean. What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Just hanging out with Josh," Ella said anticipating what she knew was about to come.

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