The Mystic Falls Timberwolves and their fans started going wild as the buzzer sounded, having won the game for yet again another year in a row. Georgie looked around to see her team devastated that they would be able to tease them with this for another year, but she understood why Josie had done what she did. If her father was alive she would have done anything to make him proud of her and she couldn't hate Josie for wanting to do the same for her own.

Georgie walked over to stand in-between the twins as they formed a line to shake hands with the Timberwolves, ignoring the crude comment that came from Number 17 as she shook hands with him. Lizzie and Josie both shared a glance with her but backed down as they noticed Georgie wasn't bothered with it at all.

"Good game," Josie said from beside her as she shook hands with Dana, the blonde that Lizzie had been bickering with the entirety of the match. The girl simply rolled her eyes and sneered back at Josie, a cruel smile on her lips as she looked at the twin.

"Suck it, loser."

Everyone watched in shock as Lizzie reared her fist back suddenly, slamming it into Dana's face as she screamed at the girl. "Not now, Dana!"

Georgie laughed slightly, watching as Dana rose to her feet and aimed a similar punch straight back at the girl. Her fist connected with Lizzie's own face and sent the girl stumbling backwards, wiping the smile straight off of Georgie's face too.

As Dana went to move in for another punch, Georgie felt her protective side rise up as she turned to look at Dana. The hybrid saw it coming and moved in front of Lizzie, shoving the twin backwards as she took the full blow of the punch. There was a sickening crack that came from the side of her face as she took the full blow, sending the hybrid stumbling back to her knees.

Everyone launched into a mob at that point, Dorian rushing over to try and pull Lizzie and Dana off each other from where they were fighting. Josie crouched down in front of Georgie, making the girl look up at the witch and causing her to gasp as she noticed the yellow shimmer to Georgie's eyes as the girl breathed heavily.

"Dorian!" Josie called out, the man instantly hearing the panic in her voice from where he had just managed to pull Lizzie off of Dana and turning around to look at Josie. He instantly noticed the yellow in Georgie's eyes and pushed Lizzie gently towards her sister and friend, his eyes wide as he tried to also stop the rest of the students from brawling.

"Take her up to your dorm and calm her down before anyone else sees!" He ordered, knowing that if anyone could calm her down it was the twins or Hope, and since Hope wasn't here he just hoped that they would manage to do it themselves.


Lizzie lightly touched the bruise forming under her left eye as she stared into the compact mirror, her eyes widening as she prodded it gently and wincing at the stab of pain that spread across her face from the contact. Her head shot up as Josie closed the door behind her, two bags of frozen peas in her arms as she smiled sheepishly at Lizzie.

She passed them to her sister as a peace offering, looking at her black eye with a slight grimace. "You mad at me?"

Lizzie sighed at hearing the worry in her sister's voice, putting the mirror down and looking back up at her sister as she thought about the past twenty minutes since they had left the playing field.

"No. I'm mad at the world, and you just happen to be in it," Lizzie told her before noticing the second bag of peas in Josie's hand. "About those peas..."

"Well, you're about to be..." Josie cut her off, not realising what Lizzie was about to tell her. She sat the second bag down as she moved to stand in front of Lizzie's bed with guilt covering her face as she looked at her twin. "I did a little spell at the game-- I made Kaleb drop the ball. And I totally did black magic with Hope."

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