"Okay, okay---" I step between them. "Don't fight. I just need to know what you know." I tell Sunglasses.

"I know enough about the Guardian Forces." Sunglasses says. "Now tell me what happened here."

"A few weeks ago, when the GF began their search for the Ultima, everyone was caught off guard. Even the Lycans. We had to fight for our lives just to get out! It was messy..." I shudder thinking back. "But we were able to escape. And everyone evacuated inland."

The guy doesn't answer, just watching us both with a hard look on his face.

"If you are the person Derek sent for---do you have it?" I ask. "Whatever it is."

He holds up the briefcase in answer.


Garroth and I both flinch, detecting too late the smell of the GF's armor and their footsteps climbing in uniform speed up the stairs.

"HIDE!" I hiss, grabbing Garroth and diving behind the living room wall just as I hear footsteps echoing on the kitchen floor. Sunglasses ducks behind the island in the kitchen. Two GF soldiers come closer, and I tense in fear, but Sunglasses just nods at us. As a GF rounds the kitchen counter, Sunglasses lunges for him, tackling the GF to the ground. My ears prick up, my head whipping toward the other GF as I hear him raise his gun, I run at him without thinking, yelling loud as I punch him down. He flies backward and slams into the wall with a sickening crunch.

"What the HECK are you DOING?" Sunglasses demands.

"You're welcome!" I snap. But my ears prick up yet again, and I smell what I think is three more GF's downstairs, running toward the noise I just made. How could I be so stupid? I have to learn to control myself.

"Rookie." Sunglasses mutters. "Come on, kids, this way." He leads us out of the kitchen and down the hall. I move as quietly as I can now, rubbing the already healing bruise on my fist from punching the guy. I've really got to get a hold on my strength. Even as a human, I was strong. But now that I'm a werewolf, my strength is off the charts. Garroth's too. Aaron has said that when we get out of this mess, he'll turn us back. But until then...

I start when I realize I know where Sunglasses is leading us. Aaron and Aphmau's old room! He takes us to the balcony and jumps right off, just like Melissa did when we were trying to stalk Aarmau.

That seems so far away now...

Garroth looks back at me, making sure I'm still there before he jumps off as well. I follow Garroth off, landing with a soft thud on the sand. We don't stop, and I grab Garroth's hand again as we run for our lives towards our one safe haven in this hellhole I once thought was paradise.


"We're almost there!" I call back to Sunglasses guy, who is panting now in the effort to keep up with Garroth and I. We're running through a mostly-abandoned part, and sticking close to the walls, but it won't stay that way for long. "Garroth, now would be a good time to put your ears away!"

He closes his eyes in concentration. "I can't!"

"Not a good time to be picky, kid!" Sunglasses says as I put my ears away, smoothing my hair down.

"It's not his fault." I say defensively. "It was hard to learn how to do it in the past few weeks."

Sunglasses looks at us weird. "You've had ears all your life, and you just learned NOW?"

"No, we only became werewolves a few weeks ago---ow!" Garroth complains, rubbing where I'd just punched his arm.

Sunglasses's eyebrows jump up. "Ah. You're the Ro'Meave kids Aaron turned, aren't you?"

"Y-yes. How did you---" I start, but he waves it away.

"I've known the Lycans for years. I used to watch over Aaron. I don't care if people say he's dangerous, I know he isn't. My boat exploded, so there's no way off this place. Now, where're we going?"

"This way!" Garroth says, grabbing my hand again and pulling me along the (Thankfully) empty walkways. After a few more empty paths, I let my ears back up. I prefer having them in because I look normal again, but it's so ITCHY!

Garroth, Sunglasses and I walk past the flashing WANTED posters of the Lycans. I look around, tugging my hair around my eyes just in case there's a straggler wandering around the place. There isn't, luckily, but even if there was I doubt they'd look at my face before my ears. There have been a few WANTED posters of my family and I, but not since the beginning. The Lycans are most wanted, so their posters are everywhere.

Finally making it out of the main boardwalk area, Garroth and I take Sunglasses to the back alleyway and to the door where Zane should be on guard duty.

"Uhhhh... anyone remember the knock?" Garroth asks.

I push him aside and approach the door, raising my hand and hesitating as I run through the knock code in my head. Knock knock PAUSE knock knock knock PAUSE knock, I remind myself, then perform it.

Nobody answers.

"Vi...?" Garroth asks nervously.

"I'll try again." I say, and I repeat the knock. No answer.

"Violet, I hear the GF!" Garroth says in a hushed voice. My ears perk up as I listen for footsteps. My nose wiggles as I catch the scent of the GF's armor and the Captain's aftershave.

"Screw the code!" I whisper in panic, kicking the door in and shoving Sunglasses and Garroth inside, closing and locking the door just as I hear the GF round the bend. We all stay silent for a moment, then the GF say something about following civilians and they leave.

We all breathe a sigh of relief. I fall against the door, smiling despite myself. "Now, just getting upstairs." I mutter, looking sadly at the flights of stairs. Garroth takes my hand and we jump from landing to landing, Sunglasses huffs and puffs behind us as we FINALLY make it to the floor we're staying on and open the door. Derek is sitting alone at the table, examining the map.

Garroth and I enter. Derek looks at us hopefully, and I give a small smile and move aside, letting Sunglasses inside, who is no longer looking winded for his boss.

Derek's eyes go wide and he gets up. "Rowan!" He moves in front of Sunglasses--- Rowan--- and looks at him desperately. "Did you get it?"

Rowan holds up the case in answer again. I don't think he's much for talking.

"Thank Irene, you're a lifesaver!" Derek says. "You have no idea how much this helps us in this moment."

"Anything... for an old friend." Rowan says, almost kindly.

Garroth comes forward. "He said his boat exploded!" Garroth says, almost giggling when he says it. I roll my eyes.

"His boat...?" Derek repeats thoughtfully. "What happened?"

Aaron comes in , opening his mouth as if to say something, but then he sees Rowan. Rowan turns to him and offers a half smile. Aaron's eyes grow wide. "R?"

"Been a while, kid." Rowan says. Agent R, I think his name was in college. That sounds a bit more familiar, now that I think about it.

Of course, in college, I vaguely remember him wearing a flame jacket...


Ta-daaaaaa! When Angels Fall!!!!!! 

Now, unlike Starlight, I probably won't post updates every day, because there's a lot more packed into WAF. But I hope whoever's reading this enjoys!!! Buh-byeeeee!

Wait, one more thing: I do veer off of the storyline a bit in this book. It's still the same story, but I added in a bit of my own lore in later chapters. IDC if it's weird, I like it!

Ok. NOW Buh-bye.

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