The Meeting

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Sky's POV    

I laid quiet still on my bed listening to Natalie Taylor's surrender. The music was calming and I was half asleep. I was pretty relieved that I didn't have to deal with any problem associated with the mafia now.  
  As I was slipping into the welcoming arms of oblivion, a soft knock was heard on my door. I groaned inwardly. Why couldn't I be left in peace?.

" Come in " I called out. The door opened and a head peaked in.  It was my older bother Josh

I sat up " what's up ", I asked him.

"Dad wants you " he answered staring at his fingers.

"Why ?" I asked him. He looked at me and shrugged "because you're his daughter", he answered looking at me like I was stupid.

"Seriously Josh", I was glaring at him now.

"Something to do with the mafia",I groaned loudly muttering profanities under my breath.

"Why can't you handle it ?"

"He wants to negotiate a deal. Between you and me, we know who's better at that"

"Fine" I grumbled ,"Where is he?", I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"His office" Josh replied while walking out of my room.

I threw the covers off my body and slipped my feet into my slippers.

Standing up, I made my way to my father's office. As I went to the door, I caught a glance of myself on a mirror. My hair was messy and I wore a big T-shirt and sweatpants. I ran my hands through my hair as I approached the huge mahogany double doors of my father's office. Knocking, I opened the door slightly and peered inside.

"Come in", I heard my father's voice from the other side of the door. Opening the door wider, I stepped into the office.

"Father", I called, "You sent for me"

"Come on in Bri", he answered and I grimaced. Brielle was my middle name and I hated it, reason being the fact that I shared a name with my dad's aunt.

She raised him and I understood that he wanted to honor her but I didn't know why I had to suffer for his decision.

She was an annoying old woman who liked butting her nose in other people's business, most especially mine. To say I disliked her was an understatement.

I took a seat opposite him and took a good look at him before giving him a questioning look .

My father was in his late 50's and still looked as handsome as ever with dark brown hair that I and Sean had gotten and laughing blue eyes that were a shade darker than mine.

He looked at me then spoke " I want to negotiate a deal. I need you there." He said going straight to the point, at least he didn't beat around the bush. I sighed.

"Which mafia?"

  "The Rossi's",he answered.

"Is Adrian coming?",I asked. Adrian was my best friend and the only person I could actually have a conversation that didn't involve business with for 30 mins straight without feeling like shooting him and make sure my emotions are in check even though he usually tried prying them out of me.

My father gave me a curt nod in answer to my question.
"What time?",I asked. At that my father gave me a rueful grin. "In 45mins".

"Dad",I groaned "Couldn't you tell me sooner?".

"Sorry kiddo, couldn't risk you refusing"

I frowned "I could refuse right now".

"Nah",he said shaking his head, "You wouldn't ditch your old man like that".

  Sighing, I stood up and rolled my eyes "I'll be ready in 10".

I'll be ready in 10 became I'll be ready in 20. Entering my room, I made my way to the bathroom and walk in closet.

I had a 10mins shower - the shortest I've had in months. The warm water was relieving and freed my tensed muscles.

Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body while going to my closet.

Slipping on my undies, I picked a light blue gown that stopped mid thigh and had a belt at the back. I paired it with a black leather jacket and black thigh high boots.

Collecting my gun from the dresser stand, I slipped in the belt and used the jacket to cover it. I collected a small knife and slipped it inside the garter belt I was wearing. Checking my reflection in the mirror, I collected my phone, keys and purse and made my way outside.

Adrian stood outside my room making me bump into him in my way out.

"Hey you" he said peering down at me.

  "Hey to you too", I answered walking past him.

"Hey, wait up. Don't forget I'm tagging along". He was besides me now.

     Glancing at me, he said "you look hot by the way". I whipped my head to the side and glared at him.

"What?",he said, "Can't I compliment my best friend again and what's got you in a mood?".

I sighed, "Just a little angsty I guess".

  "It'll pass",he mumbled rubbing my shoulder.

I nodded and we made our way outside .


We stopped in front of a huge building which was the Rossi mafia headquarters. The exterior was beautiful and seemed to be made of glass, though I couldn't see anything inside.

Looking around, I felt an intense stare on me. I looked up and was immediately met by steel gray eyes which were staring down at me.

Even when our eyes met, the person didn't seem fazed. Squinting so I could see clearer, I noticed that the person staring at me so intensely was a man and he seemed handsome.

We stared at each other for a moment before I composed myself and tore my gaze away.

Turning around, I noticed that a guard was here to escort us into the building. I looked up and noticed that grey eyes was no longer there. I felt a quick tug of disappointment and quickly scolded myself on why I was feeling like that.

"Let's go in", dad said. I nodded and followed the guard into the building, putting the incident at the back of my mind.

xoxo, Star❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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