26.Hero's Sadness

Start from the beginning

"It's as he says,"Aizawa told them. "He's just been giving too much effort to his training to bother socializing with you all, making the best use of his time. Unlike you guys who've been worrying needlessly."

"Needlessly, ain't that a bit much Aizawa," All Might asked. "It's only natural to be worried about a friend."

At that moment, Vlad entered with his class following behind. "Eraser! Get your class out of the way!"

"You're not trying to kick us out when we still have 10 minutes are you?"

"Hey did you hear," Monoma asked. "The license exam has a 50% pass rate. That means your entire class might fail!"

"I always forget how much this guy hates us," Uraraka muttered.

"Wait, is that Monoma's hero costume," Kaminari asked Kendo.

"Well since his quirk is copy, he said he didn't need anything too eccentric."

Class A eyed Monoma in his three piece suit while laughing like a crazy person. "That's him toning things down?"

"Hey Ectoplasm, can we fight again," Izuku asked. "I want to see how much improvement I've made since the first day."

"Very well."

"Hah, as expected of someone from class A! Even though they're quirkless they're acting so confident even though their opponent is a pro hero! I hear you were trained by a retired pro, but I really doubt learning from such an old man!"

"Monoma, enough," Vlad snapped. Several people in class B gave Vlad a strange look, because no matter how much Monoma had insulted class A, Vlad had never done anything to get him to stop, nor had he ever gotten upset.

People glanced at Izuku as he walked away, his face hidden from view. They remember when Bakugou had insulted Zatoichi on the first day, and now it would be even worse. "Ectoplasm, give me it all. Anybody want to end their training early and donate their clone trainer I would appreciate it. Let's go until our time is up or you beat me."

Ectoplasm nodded his head in understanding. It was impossible not to feel grief when losing a loved one, and no matter what Izuku had said, there was no way he was fine. And what Monoma would have easily upset him. All of class A understood this as well, and they all stepped aside, meaning Izuku would be facing the full force of Ectoplasm's quirk. Izuku made sure all his gear was secured as he faced down all 30 of the hero's clones. "Is he really going to try and face all of Ectoplasm's numbers for the next 8 minutes," Kendo muttered. Monoma got ready to say something again, but shut his mouth as Vlad gave him a stern look.

He drew his swords and nodded his head, signalling he was ready. They all began charging at him as he began walking forward. Barely less than a second before they collided, Izuku dashed forward. "Third Blade: Flowing River Rapids." The staff of UA knew that Izuku had created his own moves, but it was not like he had to show them all to them, nor had he ever used them all in front of them. And so, Ectoplasm and his clones were shocked as he eliminated 10, and injured 4 in that one move. Ectoplasm began creating replacements, and Izuku added to his work by using his mobility gear to launch himself forwardfor an attack. He reeled it back in and began spinning through the air, using the new propulsion system in his arms and legs to increase his spin speed. "Fifth Blade: Raging Storm- Typhoon." In that one move, another 8 clones were destroyed.

As Izuku landed, three clones jumped at him from behind and wung their legs. He spun around and swung both swords down, destroying the two on the ends while rolling back, lessening the blow from the middle one. He jumped up as it continued its attack, but Izuku ducked under the hit and slashed the clone in half with his katana, all other clones rushing him as he did. What continued was what would have been bloody carnage if the clones bled. Izuku hacked and slashed, going on a rampage while few of the blows he received were not blocked or something he rolled with.

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