"Umm.. Heidi? What are you-?"

"Pictures! And videos of the proposal! I can set it up to make sure he doesn't see it."

Connor chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"Not that that's a beautiful idea Heidi, but I'd like this to just be between Evan and I. We both know he's bad with a lot of people, and something this sentiment should only be held between lovers."

"That's beautiful Connor, Evan's lucky to have you."

"Speaking of the tree devil." Connor chuckled opening his phone to find a notification from Evan, and picture attached.

When Connor loaded the image, he felt his breath stop.

Evan seemed to be caught in between crying and laughing, holding his stomach tightly, and his other hand gripping his hair.
His outfit however was beautiful. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt, and a black skirt that reached just above his knees.

Connor had to physically pinch himself to not get hard in front of his soon to be mother in law.

"Jared's always been like that, embarrassing Evan and taking pictures. Those boys are close that's for sure."

Connor simply nodded and sent a quick reply to Evan.

'Baby you're killing me, only a month before I can hold you in my arms'

That's right, Evan knew nothing of this, he thought he'd be seeing Connor a month from now. The only people he's told were Zoe, and Evans mom.

He considered telling Bath Bomb Jared, but immediately knew he'd tell Evan about it.

"Backtracking, do you have a plan for the proposal? I mean it's going to be a big surprise for him to see you as well, he might get over loaded."

Connor chuckled.

"Don't worry Heidi, my sister Zoe is going to set him up in the perfect spot for it. I'm.. I'm really nervous."

Heidi smiled and hugged Connor.

"I know you will do great, god I wish I could be there but I do respect your wish, very romantic." Heidi commented, standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"I made cookies so come and help yourself before you head out!"

Connor chuckled and walked after her into the kitchen.


"Are you almost there Zo?" Connor asked anxiously, picking at his nails.

"Yeah gay lord, I told him I somehow 'forgot my bag in the forest' and he offered to get it for me. I also told him there should be some lights so he can find it easier."

"Thanks Zo.. If not for you I'd have to rely on Jared and we both know that wouldn't end up good."

"Anytime, I gotta bounce actually but I expect a detailed explanation whenever you get home, or well. I guess you won't be coming home. just going to Evans and fu-" Connor ended the call quickly.

"God Zoe try and make things awkward for me before the big question."

It took a few minutes before Connor heard someone giggling. His heart swelled with love at his laugh. Nothing brought more joy to Connor than Evan being happy.

"I don't think Zoe forgot her bag." He mumbled to himself.

"You could say that yeah.." Connor spoke up, stepping out from behind a tree.



"CONNOR!" Evan exclaimed, running full speed at the military dressed man. He jumped into his arms and wrapped his legs tightly around his hips.
Connor easily caught him and crushed him into a hug. Evan was shaking so much it hurt to see.

"Baby, baby look at me.." Connor mumbled against Evans neck. He shook his head and held on even tighter.

Connor choked and fell onto a knee.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry, just you're actually here an-" Connor smiled and cut his acorn off with a kiss, pouring all his love, trust, and affection into it. Evan happily returned the kiss, running his hands through his now shorter hair.

"That's weird.." Evan mumbled when both their lips were sure to be swollen.

"Hmm?" Connor asked, still in a daze from the emotional kiss.

"Your hair is so short now, I miss your long hair.."

"It was hard to part, but it was necessary for my unit."

Evan sniffed and buried his face into the taller boys neck.

"When did you get back?"

"A few hours ago.."

"And you waited until NOW to show your face? Who knew?"

Connor chuckled, and held his boyfriend even tighter against himself.

"Oh you know, just Zoe and your mom."

Evan pulled away.

"My mom?" Connor nodded, "Helped you plan this all out behind my back?!"

Connor laughed and dropped his head into Evans shoulder.

"I.. I missed you so fucking much Ev you- God some days were so hard but it was always you who kept me going."

Evan lifted Connors head and kissed him softly, and before long a full make out was afoot.

He suddenly remembered where they where and a question that he..
Slowly pulling away felt horrible to both Connor and Evan.

"Baby you.. Evan Hansen." Connor smiled, pulling them both up until they were standing. Evan looked up at him confused, but stayed silent.

"Evan Hansen.. We've know each other for what? Six years? You are the most important person in my life, and I'm not exaggerating. Evan.. You bring out the best in me and I couldn't be happier with you by my side. I know this is so sappy, but it's been so fucking long since I've seen you and-"

"Connor.. oh my Connor are we at a loss for words?" Evan joked, giggling.

"God dammit Evan you're making really hard for me not to take you right now.. But I have something very important to ask you."

Taking a deep breath, Connor squeezed his hips lightly before dropping to one knee.

"You know already that you're the world to me, and that I can't live without you.. W-Will you marry m-me?" Connor pulled out the ring and presented to Evan.

He cursed himself for stuttering.

Evan looked like a god in front of him. However his features seemed frozen.

Worriedly Connor stood up and placed the ring back in his pocket.

"Babe, baby are you ok love? Evan? Can yo-"



"YES YES YES!" Evan screamed, jumping into Connors arms again. This time Connor let gravity do its thing and send them both to the forest floor.

Evan grabbed Connors face, kissing everywhere he could reach.

"Ok babe, hmm, b-babe before I forget.." Connor mumbled, taking the ring out and cupping Evans hand. He laughed in disbelief and stared at the ring adoring his finger.

"C-Connor it's.. it's beautiful.."

"Almost as beautiful as you love."

Evan giggled and leaped into Connors arms, locking his ankles tight around this waist.

"..I love you so much..."

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