First Encounter (Kuroo X Kyoko's Sister Reader)

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Being Kyoko's little sister is amazing. Not only do you have her, but you also have the boys from the Karasuno volleyball team. Even though you're a first-year all the boys treat you like a little sister, including Tsukishima.
It's always fun to be around the boys and to help them practice. You always laugh whenever Nishinoya and Tanaka are going after your sister. The whole team is very protective over you, but you still manage to get into trouble with the second and first-years.
One day there was going to be a practice match against a team from Tokyo, Nekoma. This is the first time you are meeting them so you were excited to see new faces.
  Today the boys were just training all you really had to do was hand the boys water and encourage them. Suddenly Hinata ran off somewhere, so you decided to go looking for him. As you were going to go look for him you suddenly bumped into someone. At first, you were intimidated by how much taller he was than you, and not to mention hair reminded you of a rooster.
  He turned around to look at you, and you were stunned. You couldn't believe that a boy could be so good looking.
  "Woah you're pretty," you quickly covered your mouth realizing what you had just said.
  You finally notice his jacket. 'Oh my gosh he's from Nekoma,' you suddenly realized.
  He suddenly burst out laughing then stopped. "So if  I'm pretty what does that make you? Short, pretty too, or possibly even beautiful?"
  "Well I Maybe all of those things, but my name is actually (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You smiles brightly and offered him your hand to shake.
  "I agree and I'm Kuroo Tetsurou. Nice to meet you too." He said as he smiled back and shook your hand.
  "So I see you're from Nekoma what are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be with your team?"
  "I'm actually looking for one of my teammates. And what about you? I could be asking you the same question, so what are you doing out here?"
  "I'm actually looking for one of my teammates as well. I'm one of the managers on the Karasuno boy's volleyball team."
  "So I guess we'll be seeing more of each other, won't we pretty girl?"
  "I guess we will city boy."
  From that point on y'all, both started walking by making light conversation. Suddenly you both found Hinata, and another boy which you learned was Kuroo's teammate. After the introductions, you four went your separate ways.
"So what were you doing with Nekoma's captain (Y/N)? You were a little pink, do you like him?" Hinata questioned you as you both walked together.
"Well, I won't deny that he's really pretty and handsome. He's also pretty funny and seems nice."
  You both quickly caught up with the rest of the team and you couldn't believe what happened next. Hinata told the entire team.
  Everyone went wild hearing that statement.
  'He better not mess with her,' the third-years thought.
  "Who does our precious (Y/N) like?!??" Noya and Tanaka both asked while acting all protective.
  "Well, it was bound to happen eventually." Tsukishima just had a sly smirk on him.
  Kageyama and Yamaguchi were just confused, "who is it?"
  "It's actually Nekoma's captain. He's pretty cool and I accidentally called him pretty when we met." You weren't shy at all to tell them. They may be your teammates but they're more like family to you.
  Everyone just burst out laughing including your sister. Although they were laughing you knew they were happy for you, well maybe not Tanaka and Noya.
  The next day was the game against Nekoma. You saw so many new faces including two familiar ones, Kenma and Kuroo. As you spotted them both Tanaka and Noya were circling around you protectively. You laughed of course, although you didn't notice Kuroo coming behind you. You suddenly turned around feeling someone y'all behind you.
  "Hey there pretty girl, how's it going today?"
  "Well hey, there pretty boy. I'm doing great today! I'm actually really excited to see the match today. How are you today?"
  "I was actually hoping for you to wish me luck."
  "I don't think you need it, and you're also the captain of the opposing team, so should I?"
  "Aww come on (Y/N), it'd really help me out there today." He said with a pout and puppy dog eyes on his face.
  "Ok then just for you. Kuroo I wish you luck in today's match. Just enjoy yourself and you'll do fine. There, happy?"
  "Yes, I am actually."
  Noya and Tanaka were just giving him death glares the whole time. He could've cared less he was just happy at that moment.
  Karasuno ended up losing the practice match, but it was still really entertaining to watch.
  "I guess you wishing me luck really did help me out there today," Kuroo said as he walked up to you smiling.
  "Dang, I guess I might have to cost us the match." You laughed as he stopped in front of you.
  "Unfortunately I didn't get to talk to you as much as I would have liked to, so here's my number text me whenever you get a chance. Until next time pretty girl."
  "Bye pretty boy."
  With that, he was off. As the Nekoma team left to go back home, your team came up to you with smiles. "So how did it go?" They all asked simultaneously.
  Everyone was excited for you, Tanaka and Noya not so much.
  "I got his number!" You squealed happily. Everyone was happy for you, even Tsuki was enjoying the looks on Tanaka and Noya's faces. Even though they lost a game today, you got a win and they were happy for you.

Thank you for reading. This was my first one-shot and feel free to leave some requests!

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