"You want to rephrase that? That's my daughter you're talking about."

Victor just smirks.

"I'm her step dad now. I can say whatever I want about her."

Jesus Christ. Rolling my eyes I walk forward as Neco tries to pull me back, but he missed my arm.

"Out of the way."

I wanted out of here. I didn't want to be talked about right in front of.

"You aren't moving in with him, you don't even know him." Marcy says trying to grab my arm, but I dodge her.

"I don't know Dicktor over here either and you want me to stay here with him. He said I was hot, does that not alarm you?" My eyes were set in a hard glare as I watched her brain work.

"What did you call me?" Dicktor, sorry I mean victory asks but I ignore him.

"So move out of the way before I call CPS. You want to go to court again?"

Marcy moves out of the way as I walk to my room grabbing the second duffle bag and shoving the rest of my stuff in the bag. I didn't have much so that was in my favor for getting in and out. I grab my baseball cap from my dresser and shove it onto my head before walking back down the hall and out to the porch.

"See you around Marcy, bye Dicktor." I flip them off as I walk down the the car and it makes Skip burst into laughter.

"Why are you laughing greece monkey?" Marcy growls.

Skip just smirks.

"The fact you thought I was the unstable one is funny to me. I've known this kid for just a few weeks, and already I can tell she's more my child than yours."

"You will see how she really is. She don't listen to anyone. I mean look at her, fightin' and dealing drugs. How do you think I got hooked? It was from her." Marcy was pointing an accusing finger at me.

She was being a bitch. Of course she was blaming me, but I never sold product, I wasn't the one who brought it home.

"The hell it was." Skip growls as I stare at my feet.

"Ask her!" Marcy yells and Skip's eyes turn to me.

I can feel them burning into me as I stare at my feet.

"DJ, you deal drugs?" His voice was hard.

I shake my head no.

"No." With that I turn away.

How dare she?

Shaking my head as tears prick my eyes I turn walking towards the car and getting in as Skip and Marcy continue to scream at each other. Dropping my head into my hands I let a tear fall as my body shakes silently. My own mother blames me for how she acts. I guess I always knew deep down that she did, but it hurt for the words to be said out loud.

I was the one who used to turn her on her side when she ODed to make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit. Then I would call 911 and get her help. I did that until she stopped coming home. I could have let her die and this is how she acted?

She was a self centered bitch who didn't care about anyone but herself for the longest I can remember. I was making my own foot as soon as I learned how to turn in a stove burner. I paid her bills by doing jobs no teenager should have ever done. Stripping, street racing, fighting, and I even shot a few people before.

The car door opens and I quickly wipe away my tears already feeling my eyes puffing up.

"Hey, are you crying?" Neco asks sitting down next to me.

"Ah, no." I lie turning my head so he can't see me.

"Look at me DJ." His voice was soft, bit I couldn't let him see me weak.

I'm DJ Nelson I don't cry.

"I'm okay."

His hand reaches over and pulls my face to look at him. His brown eyes search my face before he shakes his head.

"She doesn't deserve you."

Neco leans his forehead against mine and I let out a stuffy laugh.

"I don't know what I did to her. She's always been that way."

Soon I'm pulled into him as his arms trape me against him. I hug him back tightly. His scent brought me ease.

"Skip is pissed." He says and I can hear the humor in his voice.

"It's okay." I giggle out.

I hadn't seen him pissed, but I can hear the screaming coming from him. It made me smile slightly since it was funny to me that someone was standing up for me.

"Should we tell them to just drop it so we can go home?" I ask.

"Then I can't do this." Neco says and I look at him confused.

"Do what?"

That's when his lips connect to mine. I let out a gasp as butterflies soar in my belly. He takes that as invitation to explore my mouth as my arms pull him closer deepening the kiss. I couldn't get enough until we both ran out of air.

"Well, I guess we don't have to go home right now."

Neco chuckles slightly.

"Guess not." 

Neco's One - Hades Hellions MC, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now