"Hmmm ....so you didn't like seeing me here? " He said with his signature smirk while leaning his head down to her face level and looked straight into her beautiful afraid eyes.

"No...no it's not like that " Y/n replied getting uncomfortable with his closeness and not tried to be disrespectful.

"Hmmm...than what it is like My DOLL? "

Y/n's heart started to beat million times more faster hearing that word from his mouth and looking at his darken eyes .

And at that moment, she felt like everything around her stopped and there were only 2 of them present in that entire surrounding.

And again she started losing herself into his eyes by just stared into them which made her heart to skipped a beat and she again got that strange yet familiar feeling which she was not capable of identifying but was feeling immensely on his presence.

She just gaped into eyes without blinking for once. She wanted to ask him so many questions but she could not find a single word to uttered to him.

She wanted to run from there and never look back but at the same time she wanted to stay and look into his deep and dark eyes and her that thought terrified her..

They both just stared into each other's eyes without falling their lashes until

"Princess...." A voice took Y/n out from her daze

Suga gasped a little by seeing the scene in front of his eyes and an extreme amount of relief washed over her watching her Oppa..

"Oppa...." Yn said exhaling a deep breath.

"Are you alright princess...?" Suga asked eyeing both of them a little worriedly and walked towards them.

" Yes I am  Fine". Y/n said getting away from his presence immediately and practically ran towards Suga and grabbed his arm tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Suga asked side hugging her protectively.

" I just wanted to surprise you Oppa " Y/n replied hugging her Oppa a little tightly and he realised the sudden fear in her body and then Suga understood the thing that must had happened which made him to sighed.

"Oh....thankyou so much my princess for your beautiful surprise, I am more than happy to see you here but you should go now

Oppa needs to attend a very important meeting okay.." Suga said patting her head gently and than looked back at him who was standing at his place while staring at her without falling his lashes even for once.

"Ok I will see you at home, bye" Y/n replied with a soft smile to Suga earning a nod from him.

"Yes I will drop you, let's go" Jimin said to Y/n

"Ok Bye ..." Y/n said bowing to everyone and her world stopped again when her eyes met with his who was already staring at her with a certain kind of emotion on his empty eyes which she for the first time saw in them from her every encounter with him but wasn't capable of understanding.

"Let's go..." Jimin said taking Y/n's hand into his

"Ummm..yes". Y/n replied breaking the eye contact with him and then they left....

At Suga's house

Y/n was thinking about her office's incident while looking at the sky through her open window when her phone started to ring.

She picked it up and spoke

" Hello"

"Hey Y/nnnie, what are you doing? " Chaerin asked her from the other side.

"Nothing just thinking about something.. "  Y/n replied with a sigh

"What happen? You sounds very different , are you alright? ". Chaerin asked a little worriedly.

" Yes I am fine. It just today something happened ".

" What...?". Chaerin asked

"Today I went to Oppa's office with Jimin so that I could surprise Oppa but...." Y/n stopped speaking remembering about her incident on his office.

"But what...?" Chaerin asked getting suspicious and impatient.

"He was there....."

"Who ..?"

"Ummm M........Mr V". Y/n replied stuttering while slightly nibbling her lower lip..

" Tell me exactly what happened there? " Chaerin said getting more suspicious by her words.

And than Y/n told her everything about what happened that day on Suga's office.

"But why did he call you his doll, isn't it a little bit unprofessional ?" Chaerin said getting annoyed hearing her story.

"I know but I didn't have the audacity to ask him any question basically I become too uncomfortable and afraid around him.." Y/n replied sighing.

" I feel helpless in front of him " Y/n again said while taking a deep breath and than exhaled it.

"So why don't you to talk to your Oppa about him? " Chaerin said.

"No I can't right now, it's very awkward talking to Oppa about him and what exactly I am going to tell Oppa that I am getting different kind of vibes from your friend.."

Chaerin chuckled hearing Y/n

"Ok but you can tell me anything you want , you can trust me ." Chaerin said trying to assured Y/n.

"Yes I know that's why I am telling you Chaerinaah..". Y/n replied because Chaerin was her one and only secret keeper and she trusted her with her heart.

" Hmm good now go  to sleep we have school tomorrow and don't think about him too much, if he ever try to do something with you, I will chop him into pieces" Chaerin said proudly making Y/n chuckled.

"Yeah yeah I know my master chef.." Y/n replied with a laugh.

"Ok than good night " Chaerin said

"Yeah bye good night" Y/n replied with a smile and than hung up the call.

And then she again looked upward at the sky and her mind again flashed his face which made her heart to skipped a beat.

Y/n sighed and walked towards her bed and went under her duvet and closed her eyes.

But she was not capable of sleeping because even her closed eyes were reflecting his face.

She tossed her head and frowned but still his face, his voice,his words totally consumed her entire mind.

She got up getting annoyed and stated to herself a little frustrated.

"Aye....get out of my mind otherwise next time I'll  beat you whenever I am going to see you.." She cutely frowned to herself but her heart beat increased processing her own words that deep inside she still wanted to see him after all of this.

Y/n immediately shrugged herself and went again under her duvet and closed her eyes and after alot of struggle she finally went to her dreamland while thinking about none other than him ...


"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now