Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Jack went on to discuss his feelings on the stalking, calling her an insane person, one who needs a desperate reality check and an admittance into an insane asylum. Max felt her heart shatter, she felt the air leave her lungs and she realized she would never be able to lead a normal life. Max would never get to be a politician, a lawyer hell even a burger flipper because now she was branded as a stalker and unstable.

Max dashed off of her bed and barely noticed that the shrieks of her roommates were less about her opening her door and more about Luke Hemmings in general. Max didn't care, she slammed her bathroom door shut and retched into the toilet. She hadn't eaten anything since the dinner at the party the night before so there was nothing to expel but stomach acid.

She slumped against the wall, her mouth feeling disgusting and an empty feeling that started in her shrinking belly and spread throughout her whole body. She felt sick and was sick and needed help but not because she was unstable but because she hated herself. She hated that she had let this boy do this to her, the one time she had really let her guard down and this is what happened. Max hated what she had become and the realization that all of this could go away in a minute kept bouncing around her head.

Max had never wanted to die before.

She did now.

Too much was happening, her career was ruined and she would forever be branded by this because no one would tell the truth. Luke had just told the world she needed psychological help and he didn't care about her. He was drunk last night, she was sure that was all there was to his confession. She had been ignoring phone calls all day; Harry, Jac, Ashton, Cal, Michael, Britt, Naomi, and an unknown she assumed was Luke's but she had ignored them all.

Max went pulled her long hair up, it had gotten knotted in all of her retching. She rolled the sleeves back on her flannel and stared at her line-covered wrists. They were always thin on her wrist, she didn't want anyone to notice so she wore long sleeves and kept the marks small.

If you look at her upper thighs and stomach though they had recently become riddled with slices. She felt like she was in control and that she was controlling this pain since she can't stop the things people are saying to her.

She screamed in frustration and ripped her shirt from her body, examining her skin and figure in the mirror of her bathroom. To anyone she looked slightly like a skeleton that had been attacked by a million cats but to Max all she could see was the hate she read on social media and she could only imagine what was being said now.

Yanking the drawer out from her vanity she grabbed one of her blades and licked her lips in anticipation when a knock came at her bathroom door, how had they gotten in her room?

"Go away guys I don't want to talk about it!" She screamed and went to press the blade to her thigh side when the knocking came again and made her hand slip and she made a couple of slices instead of just one. Max hissed in pain and tears flowed from her eyes.

"What do you want?" She could hear the tears in her voice and hated how weak she sounded but she hadn't eaten in nearly a day and the cuts on her side were losing blood quickly. The knocking came once more, the entire door shaking and Max was worried it wasn't one of her tiny roommates.

"Maxamillion?" A voice called and Max's blood went cold before her heart raced involuntarily. Luke. She looked at the door, to the cuts on her arms and stomach and thought about the interview before swinging the bathroom door open, not even bothering to put on a shirt and surprising the blond haired singer in front of her.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! How dare you show up here! How did you find me?" She shouted as she charged at him, she pounded on his chest, the cuts on her wrists springing open and Luke's big blue eyes widened visibly in the darkened dorm room. Max looked awful and his heart shattered when he saw the blood racing down her sides and arms. She was skinny, her bones looked like the skin was stretched over them and every time her fist hit his chest it felt like needles with how pronounced the bones were.

"Max please!" He begged as she kept coming after him, salt water leaked from her eyes and burned in the cuts as she wiped at them furiously. "Let me explain!"

"Explain?" She asked incredulously, "Explain what? How you ruined my life and don't even care? I saw the interview Luke! I hate you, God I hate you so much! You've literally ruined my life! I can't do anything now without someone mentioning me stalking you! Imagine their surprise if I told them you fucking stole my virginity for a bet!" Her voice was cracking and Max felt dizzy. Her room was spinning and she sat down as Luke asked "What interview?"

Max pointed weakly at the TV and Luke rewound the interview and watched for a moment, his face transforming from surprise to horror. "Max." He said brokenly and he saw just how much he had hurt this girl. She wasn't eating, sleeping and was cutting. He felt fucking awful.

"I'm so sorry."

"Well that's great. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I ever met you. I'm sorry I ever thought we had something real. I'm so sorry I STALK you." Max was muttering over and over again that she was sorry and Luke wanted to wrap his arms around her but he knew that she wouldn't allow him to.

"I've never stopped thinking about you Max." He tried, his words weren't working and he feared that Max's hatred for him might run too deep now. "Honest, ever since that day I haven't been able to get you off my mind. I know you heard me tell this to Harry, and I know you don't believe me but it's the truth! I was being stupid and I didn't want to get in trouble. I didn't plan on you hearing any of it and I was going to do all of this so differently." Luke muttered and reached his hand out and grabbed Max's before she could pull away. Max whimpered and wanted to yank her hand out but her arms hurt too much and she was exhausted.

"Max? Max!" That was all Max could hear, Luke calling her name, as darkness surrounded her.

And that was how Maxine Jacobs died. No I'm just kiddng. Mean Girls references!!!! I'm sitting in a lecture right now and I want to cry cause its so boring!

Some triggering things in this, my beautiful readers please don't hurt yourselves or starve yourselves. I love you and you are loved and I want you to talk to someone if you feel that way, you can even talk to me if you want. Just please don't feel alone. Love -Meg:)

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