Ma sissy Pooh 🤍
Mere's giving me a ride home I'll see you at the house.

I exited our messages and turned my phone off. Shamere must be out of his rabbit ass mind I thought to myself. Kayla's not going to believe this shit when I tell her later on.

Back at the party ...

Tisha's pov ❄️
A good thirty minutes had pasted and I was having the best time at the party. I was drinking, dancing, and socializing. The only thing that would make tonight better is if I could find Kayla and Daija. Well that and if me and Waun were here together.

That's why I was taking so long to come out to the car earlier. Cause I was fussing with his ass. He doesn't want me to talk to any other niggas but yet he still associates with all his hoes. Like how that work. You want me to only be with you but you don't want to only be with me. You can't have your cake and eat it too and that's what I told him.

So we both started going back and forth about who was right and who was wrong. Eventually we just came to the conclusion that we don't need to go together at all. But I didn't let that stop me from having a good time. Cause at the end of the day that's not my nigga. So fuck him, I'm still going to show my ass and have fun.

Once I had a few drinks in me I ran back out to the dance floor. They were playing all the best twerk songs and almost all of the girls at the party were on the wall shaking their ass. So i decided to join them. Immediately when I started dancing I felt someone behind me grinding up against my ass. I didn't even care though cause I was having so much fun.

But then out of no where I heard this angry voice coming my way. "Bitch get the fuck of off my nigga" I turned around to see what was going on. And I was face to face with Taylor Simmons. She's one of Waun's many delusional hoes. This girl has came at me crazy so many times it doesn't make any sense. Something else I noticed when I turned around was that Antwan was behind me.

Guess he couldn't keep his hands away from me I thought my self. "Calm down sweetie your nigga was on me not the other way around" I defended. "It sure didn't look that way" she stated crossing her arms. "Tisha stop playing with that girl you know I'm not her nigga" Waun chimed in. "Haha well whose are you then" I laughed questioning him. "Yours, cmon stop playing" he stated sliding his hands up and down my waist.

"Bitch I just said get off of my nigga" Taylor yelled throwing a drink at me. "That's it hoe I'm boutta end you" I shouted about to punch her dead in her face. But then I was pulled back. "Antwan get the fuck off me, your the reason I'm in this situation in the first place" I angrily spoke pushing him off me and walking away. I went in the kitchen looking for something to wipe off with. "You looking for these" a voice echoed from behind me.

When I turned around I saw Rayshawn standing by with a whole roll of paper towels. "Oh thanks Ray" I thanked. "No problem Ti, you need a ride home" he questioned helping me wipe off. "Yea after all that I'm just honestly just ready to go" I stated annoyed. "Say less" he nonchalantly spoke taking my hand in his and guiding me to his car.

"Oh Ray no, I wasn't asking you to take me home I was just saying in general the party was dead" I explained. "You don't gotta take me home" I softly spoke looking at the ground. "Do you gotta ride Tisha" he questioned again. "Umm no but I'm sure Kay-" I started to say before he cut me off. "Then I'm taking you home Ti, its not safe out here for you to be walking around alone" he insisted. "Okay" I agreed getting in the car.

Fifteen minutes later

"Thanks for taking me home Ray" I thanked unbuckling my seat belt. "It's no problem Ti, anytime we're all at a party and you don't have a ride home just come fine me okay" he told me. "Yea for sure" I answered reaching over to give him a hug.

"Be safe okay" I warned as I opened my door to get out. "Aight Ti" he stated as I walked away from the car.

Excuse any mistakes that you might have seen. Sorry babes 💙

Whew this was a lot y'all I almost forgot to do questions.

Questions Pooh 😚💖
1. Does this mean that Kayla and Key are friends again 😱

2. Are they're sparks between Ray and Tisha or was he just being nice 🤷🏾‍♀️

3. What's up with Daij and Mere 🥴

4. Who do you ship together in choices drop your ship names in the comments ♥️

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