Uncle Shawn stays for the weekend

Start from the beginning

They decided that it was best to get Harry a plastic potty so he wouldn't always have to mess his pull-ups and have accidents.

"You going potty?" Zayn asks "uh-huh," Harry says. "Are you going pee or poo?" Zayn asks "mm poo" Harry whispers with a grunt at the beginning of him saying that. "Okay, is that why you didn't want Uncle Shawn to come?" He asks. "mm-hmm daddy quiet please," Harry says not liking to talk while he's doing his business. "Okay sorry," Zayn says. Ten minutes later Harry is still going and Zayn asks if everything is okay "You doing okay? normally you're done by now"  "Daddy I keep thinking I'm done but then I'm not" He says pouting. "That's okay just take your time," Zayn tells him. Finally, after another 10 minutes, he's finished. Zayn wipes him up and washes his hands then tells him to go back to the living room while he cleans the potty.

As much as Zayn thinks the plastic potty is helping Harry, he hates cleaning it out when Harry is done. Luckily it wasn't too bad but it was a little softer than normal which is why Harry kept thinking he was done when he wasn't. He cleans it out by dumping the waste in the toilet than washing it with soap and water.

He walks out of the bathroom after using it himself and sees Harry and Shawn cuddling while the others still sleep. "Harry, does your tummy hurt at all?" He asks "little bit" He whispers "Okay I'll make some chicken noodle soup. You alright with that?" He asks Shawn "Yeah, I'll eat whatever you make" Shawn replies. Zayn goes to the kitchen to go start the soup.

In the living room, Louis is the next one to wake up. He looks at Shawn and he makes a silly face so Louis laughs. "Gotta pee then I'll be back," he tells Shawn. He goes to the bathroom and notices it's smelly in there. When he gets back he sits next to Shawn since Harry was cuddled up on his lap. "It was smelly in the bathroom," he tells Shawn. Harry whines and hides his face in Shawn's armpit. "Well bud, Harry here has a bit of an upset tummy," Shawn tells Louis "Oh sorry Hazzie didn't mean to make you upset," he says rubbing Harry's back.

The other two soon wake up and they are back to watching movies. Liam decides to go help Zayn in the kitchen. They make dinner and Shawn watches a movie with the boys. When the movie was over the food was ready. "Papa gotta potty again," Harry says as Liam comes in to tell them the food was ready. "Okay let's go," Liam tells him. "Wait Liam," Shawn says as the reach the bathroom. "You'll have to come here Harry doesn't want me to leave," Liam says back. "You might want to put him in a nappy, 'cause I think he went while he was on my lap he's too shy to tell me and waits for you or Zayn to come" Shawn whispers to Liam. "Okay thank you I was going to put him in one anyway," Liam says back "Okay I'm gonna go back and eat," He says "Okay we'll be out soon," Liam says then closes the door. He takes Harry's pull-up off to see that Shawn was right and he did go already.

"Baby why don't you tell Uncle Shawn you needed to go?" Liam asks Harry as he sets him on his potty. "embarrassin'" he says looking at the ground. "You don't have to be embarrassed, remember how we knew each other since high school?" Liam asks "uh-huh," he says "I have had a lot of embarrassing stuff happen since I met him, one time I had a tummy bug and threw up and had a number 2 accident at the same time," I say to him. "mkay I'll tell him next time," Harrys says just wanting quiet so he can focus.

They come out 20 minutes later and eat chicken soup. "Dad why did you put Brussel sprouts you know what they do to me" Niall whines "It's fine Niall eat them," Zayn says "No, then I'll be farting all night" Niall talks back "It's fine Niall please eat them they're good for you," Liam says. "Niall I don't care if you fart it's normal" Shawn tells him. Niall blushes but eats them.

They soon finish eating and decide to play a board game. They play Uno but decide to team up. It's Niall and Shawn, Harry and Zayn, and Louis and Liam. They play for 45 minutes until Louis goes quiet. "Lou, why've you gone quiet?" Liam asks, he leans over to whisper in Liam's ear and says "Tummy hurts" "whys that?" Liam asks "gotta poo," he says "Then go," Liam says not seeing a problem. "No, not with Uncle Shawn here," He says, "Baby he doesn't even care he'll end up having to go too," Liam tells him "Go please," Liam says Louis walks to the bathroom then comes back 10 minutes later looking happier. "Did you wipe and wash your hands?" Zayn asks "Yes daddy," he says sitting next to Liam. They continue the game and the Brussel sprouts have made Niall starts to fart.

He farts silently and he doesn't think it was too bad until the smell comes. He's sitting next to Harry so everyone starts to think it was him. "Harry, did you go potty?" Zayn asks "no I didn't," He says. Zayn doesn't believe him and pulls his pants and nappy back to check. He sees his nappy is empty and he only sees Harry's bum. "Did you toot?" they ask Harry "Nooo I didn't do anything" he says starting to get frustrated. Niall starts laughing and that's when Zayn catches on that is was him. "Niall that wasn't nice" Zayn scolds him.

"Uncle Shawn, can you teach me guitar?" He asks "Yeah we can go into your room and do that while the twins take a bath," Shawn says noticing it's already 6:00 "You boys have fun we'll take them for a bath then once we're done we'll make dinner," Zayn says walking to the bathroom. They all get to the bathroom and Liam starts the bath. "Haz try and go potty, you too Lou," Liam says. Louis lifts up the toilet seat and pulls his pants down then sits. Harry does the same but on his little potty. They soon hear someone fart and they don't know which one of the twins did it. "Was that you Haz?" Zayn assumes because Harry has a bad tummy "Nuh-uh" he says "Lou?" Zayn then says "yeah daddy?" He says standing up, finished with his wee. "Did you toot stinker?" he asks "yeah daddy sorry, it's smellier than I thought it would be" he says giggling. "Alright get in the bath please," Liam says. They hear Harry grunt and then sigh. "doing okay?" Liam asks him "goin' poo," he says quietly. He soon finishes and looks in his potty to see everything is back to normal. "Daddy I'm normal again!" he shouts. Zayn looks in and sees he is "yeah baby, let's get you wiped so you can get in the bath," Zayn says grabbing the baby wipes and wiping him up then taking his shirt off and putting him in the tub.

They wash them up and let them play for a bit longer. "Papa can I and Hazza sleep together?" Louis asks "hmmm Zayn what do you think? is it a good idea?" Liam asks Zayn "I don't know," Zayns says "Pleeease we'll be good and go to sleep," Louis says "Do you promise to not complain if Harry toots or kicks in his sleep?" Zayn asks knowing Louis always complains. "yes I pinky promise," He says holding his pinky out. "Okay yes you can sleep together, now let's get out of there your turning into prunes," Liam says joking. "No Papa prunes are yucky 'member?" Harry says "Yes baby I was just joking," Liam says as he gets Louis and Zayn gets Harry out of the tub.

In Niall's room, Shawn is teaching him guitar. "What song do you want to learn?" He asks Niall "One of your songs, but one of the easy ones" He replies laughing. "Okay come sit in my lap and I'll teach you where to put your hands on the guitar," He says.

The rest of the weekend they go to the park and watch movies.

This took a while to write but I hope you enjoy I'm writing a few more chapters right now but please send requests if you have them. Sorry, the ending is fast it was getting too long and I ran out of ideas so I decided to end it. Anyway, it's edited now.

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