Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"My daughter, words cannot express how proud I am of you." A strong voice boomed behind me, and I turned to see a woman, six feet tall, surrounded by a pure white glow. Her hair was as dark as night, and cascaded down her back in a sheet of shimmering silk. Her eyes shone a deep gold, and her smile was breathtaking as she walked over, her golden dress trailing behind her.

"Luna?" I gasped out, scrambling to my feet. I couldn't believe it, she was here.

"That is one of the names I go by, yes. Walk with me, my dear." She held out a hand, adorned in beautiful rings and bracelets. I took it, jumping at how warm she was.

"I...I'm not I?" I whispered, walking hand in hand with the goddess.

"No, but you have suffered greatly at the hands of my sibling and her...children." Her voice, while calm and serene, hesitated slightly at the mention of her sister.

"...Selene." I said, and she nodded.

"She transforms my children into creatures of revenge and war." She sighed, and I saw tears in her eyes. I was speechless as she grieved for a moment, wiping her eyes gently.

"But not you. The darkness you have suffered is no match for your spirit, my daughter." She squeezed my hand gently.

"I was about to give up." I admitted, looking down in shame.

"I don't believe that for one second, you are far too strong for that." She gestured to a bench of white stone, barely visible through the pale fog swirling around us, and we sat down.

"Strong? I idiot. I willingly walked into the arms of the enemy, and I put the pack in danger." I buried my face in my hands.

"Like your mate has said, you are one of the most caring souls I've ever created. Your need to save everyone is nothing to apologise for. It is a quality shared in many of my children." She soothed, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"What do I do now? I'm stuck here."

"But you, my dear, are no ordinary wolf."

"I'm no Luna." I scoffed.

"No. You never were. You are an Alpha. My powers live in you, do you not see?"


"Your mate can see souls for as they truly are. The glow that showed you that you were mates, it surrounds you, vibrates within you, always." She took my hand, and closed her eyes for a second, and my skin took on the same glow that knocked me off my feet all those months ago.

"But...what is this?" I turned my hands over, inspecting it. I felt the warmth across my skin, but nothing that would help me.

"Our connection. It shows that I blessed your soul at birth."

"I...I don't understand."

"Sweetheart, what I'm asking you to do will be one of the hardest tasks you will ever undertake, and I'm so sorry, but it must be you."

"But why me?"

"Your spirit is strong, and can withstand the effects of what must be done," She looked out into the distance, her mind somewhere else," My son has been swayed by my sister, beyond my reach. Nothing can change that now, and I must live with that."

She seemed to forget I was there for several minutes, and when she turned, tears were in her eyes, they looked wrong to see on my Goddess," He will destroy the lives of countless others in order to appease Selene, and she believes I will not fight,"

She smiled down at me," But she is wrong."

"Does...does my father have to die?" I barely stuttered over the words.

Wolfsbane- Chapter One in the Warren Pack SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now