Never have I ever fantasised about having sex with my co-star...🥵

Start from the beginning

"Right next time you bring the bottle yeah? Moaning ass." He says nudging my shoulder sending my skin on fire, why does he have this effect on me.

"Oh I will and it will be a lot nicer than this shit," I laugh and go to slap him but he grabs my wrist before I get a chance, we sit there staring at each other for a few seconds but he quickly nips that in the bud shaking his head and pouring himself another drink.

"Fancy playing a game?" he asks grabbing my cup and pouring me another.

"Don't be all cringe and say truth or dare," I say smirking.

"Nah we'll do never have I ever," he says passing me my cup.

Of course he goes first getting straight into the personal questions from the first film we got to know each other really well so he knows a hell of a lot about me but now he's finding out all the personal shit like the fact I've not slept with more than three people which I was surprised to find out is the same for him. With the rum almost gone we decide on one more round but I'm sat here wishing we called it a night when he opens his mouth,

"Never have I ever fantasised about having sex with my co-star.." he says sending me into a coughing fit, shit does he know? Or am I overthinking this considering we've both been acting for a few years and he could be talking about anyone else. Whilst I'm sat having an internal battle with myself whether I should drink or not I barely notice that Hero has took a big gulp of his drink finishing it and placing the cup on the table, lucky bitch whoever she is.

"Don't be shy Jo surly there's been one," he says placing his elbow on the top of the couch turning to face me fully, I'm to drunk for this shit I need to shut it down before I embarrass myself.

"Ahh Her-ardin" did he just- "Yes I heard you today," he answers my thoughts clearly wanting to make fun of me what a jackass. I stand up to leave I was embarrassed enough without him pointing that shit out.

"You're an asshole," I say and turn to walk away before he pulls me back down.

"What Hero!? You've had your fun now piss off I'm going to bed." I snap.

"You haven't asked me who I have fanaticised about sleeping with," he says smirking everything is just a joke to this boy.

"I don't really want that mental im-"

"It's you." He says moving the strand of hair from my face and crashing his lips against mine it takes me a minute to realise what the fuck is happening before I'm straddling him my hands under his shirt traveling up his chest whilst his hands slip under the back of my shorts gripping my ass making me moan into the kiss.

We are kissing for God knows how long until I open my mouth, "We. Can't. Do. This. Here." I say between kisses when I feel him attempting to push my thong to the side.

"My. Room. Or. Yours?" he says and before I know it we are both running to the fire escape door and within seconds are opening his door still kissing and ripping each other's clothes off.

As soon as the door shuts I push him against it and smile before slowly getting on my knees and wrapping my mouth around the tip of his dick which is fucking huge by the way.

"Fuckkk," he groans grabbing my hair as my tongue starts lapping around it slowly before moving up and down grabbing his balls as my mouth working up and down his shaft at a faster pace until he grabs my elbows lifting me up then throwing me to the bed.

"As fucking amazing as that is I've waited to fucking long to be inside you." He groans grabbing a condom from the bedside table and using his knee to part my legs.

He wastes no time at all before slowly pushing himself inside my wet folds both of us letting out the same relieved moan, I can't believe this is really happening.

He grabs my breasts thrusting in and out of me peppering kisses down my neck before grabbing my face and kissing me, "Fuck Jo," he groans as I wrap my legs around his waist brining our bodies closer.

"I-I'm not gonna l-last long," he moans as his movements becoming sloppy, bringing his hand down between our bodies he starts rubbing circles against my clit and that's it for me I'm screaming his name as I come underneath him, grabbing my leg and putting it over his shoulder he slams into me a couple more times before collapsing on top of me as we both fight to catch our breath.

"Fuck," "Yeah" we both pant at the same time.


I woke up with the worst headache ever and my mouth feeling as dry as the dessert this is why I don't drink much I can't handle the hangovers. It takes me a couple of minutes to remember what happened last night and I want to scream with embarrassment but realising where the fuck I am.


Slowly untangling myself from Hero's arms I try to find my clothes but can only find my shorts and top, fucking great. Grabbing what I have I quietly open the door and run across to my room and head straight for the shower to wash away the shame, what the fuck have we done. Rehearsals start in almost two hours how the hell am I going to face him. Quickly getting dressed I head out the hotel and go for a walk trying to clear my head before I have to face him and have him tell me it was a drunken one night thing. I walk around for a while until finally forcing myself to head to the studio I hope it's not awkward between us the last thing we need is to be fucking with the chemistry the fans go crazy over. I see Anna first who tells me we will be starting in ten minutes and to go find Roger for him to tell me what scenes we are rehearsing today as I walk down the hall I'm grabbed by my elbow and dragged into the storage closet, what the hell?

"So you sleep with me then sneak out without a word hmm Jo?" that sexy British accent.

"What the hell Hero you can't just grab me and drag me into a closet you weirdo," I whisper yell puling my arm from his grasp.

"What's that about why run off?" he asks moving closer to me.

"Look I know it was just a drunken one night thing we don't need to talk about it Hero lets just forget it happened and get on with the film." I say the words even though they are burning my chest.

"I don't want to forget it happened in fact," he says pushing me back rubbing himself against me, "I thought we could make it a regular thing and before I forget you left these in my room," he says dangling my thong in front of my face. I can't focus this can't be happening is he saying what I'm hoping he is?

"Why don't we have some fun during filming? No strings attached no feelings just pure pleasure," he says kissing my neck saying the complete opposite of what I wanted to hear but what the hell right? Surly I can push my feelings aside and have fun what's the worst that could happen?

*First one shot thinking maybe about three for this story not 100% sure yet!! Don't know what's going on with me been updating all my stories a lot the past few days 🤣 vote and comment let me know what you think 🙏💙*

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