"you never got a chance with him." he said. "do you really have to work so hard to get him back?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet bit his lip slightly looking at the sparkling.

"I'm not sure it's fair to him to leave him like this... not to mention Prime isn't happy about it." Ratchet said.

"Prime can kiss my aft Ratchet. he's not part of our family." Wheeljack glared. his glare softened slightly. "besides, you honestly don't think it would be fair to Bumblebee to have a few days of something he never got to experience?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet frowned slightly.

"I'm not sure 'Jack." Ratchet admitted.

"I think it might be good for the both of you. just a few days or something love. I'm not saying leave him like this until he eventually grows back up, but just maaayyybeee not work quite as hard on it?" Wheeljack suggested. Ratchet looked at Wheeljack then back down at his son, who stared at him with his wide baby blue optics.

"I dunno squirt what do you think?" Ratchet ask. he knew it was stupid to ask the sparkling who probably couldn't actually understand what they were discussing, but when the sparkling broke out in a huge grin and squealed at him, he decided being a little stupid was okay. "okay Jack, you're right. this might do him a little good." Ratchet smiled slightly. Wheeljack grinned and scooped the sparkling up, nuzzling him happily.

"you hear that? you get a chance to be a real sparkling." Wheeljack smiled, kissing his helm. Bumblebee purred happily and cuddled to him. Ratchet rolled his optics and smiled watching him.

"Jack, don't shake him around or hold him upside down too much. he just ate, don't make him purge." Ratchet warned. Bumblebee giggled and patted his faceplates happily. Ratchet watched him quietly.

"you tell your creator that I know how to handle sparklings and I'm not afraid of a little purging." Wheeljack grinned at Bumblebee, who chirped at him and kicked his little peds. "its just a little purge Ratchet. you know neither of us are new to that." Wheeljack smiled, lowering the sparkling to the floor. Ratchet chuckled softly.

"yeah I guess thats true." he smiled. he looked down at Bumblebee, watching the sparkling stumble around happily.

"hey Ratchet!" Sari called running into the medbay. Bumblebee immediately took shelter hiding silently.

"what Sari?" Ratchet ask getting up to walk over to the girl.

"where's Bumblebee?" Sari ask. Ratchet turned his head.

"he was here a nano click ago." Ratchet said.

"he's hiding." Wheeljack said scooping the sparkling up.

"he's scared of Sari." Ratchet said.

"scared? of her?" Wheeljack ask. Ratchet nodded. "what for?" Wheeljack ask.

"she just scares him a little. he probably still mostly remembers his original sparkling hood. new things are scary." Ratchet said. "what did you need Sari?" Ratchet ask.

"well Optimus said there was a mission but he didn't want Bumblebee to get the com and get upset because he thought he was still sleeping but he needs you, so I came to tell you, but I thought maybe I could hang with him for a bit!" Sari grinned. Ratchet frowned slightly.

"mission? I can't leave him here." Ratchet said.

"don't worry Ratch, I got him. Sari can help, slag, maybe the kid can get him to warm up to her again." Wheeljack assured. Ratchet frowned slightly but nodded and headed out to the main room. Bumblebee whimpered and clung to Wheeljack, looking at Sari. "it's alright Bee. she's your friend." Wheeljack soothed.

"come on Bee. I'm your best friend!" Sari grinned at him. he cuddled backwards into Wheeljack and Sari pouted, but turned her attention to Wheeljack. "so, if Ratchets his dad what does that make you? he said that you were like a step dad but Prowl says you guys don't use those words you use creator. so if Ratchets his creator what are you?" Sari ask. Wheeljack chuckled and put Bumblebee down, picking up the little girl and putting her on the one of the berths, before sitting beside her.

"well... technically, I'm nothing to him. I'm not related to him, I'm simply his creators bondmate." Wheeljack said.

"but how come its not like 'step creator' or something?" Sari ask curiously.

"because thats not really how it works on Cybertron. it's different. Ratchet can explain to you better." Wheeljack assured. he looked down and frowned. "where did Bumblebee go?" he muttered getting up. Sari looked confused.

"Bumblebee?" Sari called looking around. Wheeljack helped he down then headed to find the sparkling.

"come here little one." Wheeljack called looking around.

"why do you guys call him that?" Sari ask.

"sparklings aren't named until their abilities are discovered when they're in youngling hood, it just a habit." Wheeljack responded. Sari nodded slightly and headed to look for the sparkling.

"Bumblebee! Bumblebee! come out!" Sari called. Wheeljack searched silently, probing his bond to see if he could locate the sparkling.

"Wheeljack, whats wrong?"

Wheeljack paused a moment.

"Bumblebee ran off and I'm trying to locate him."

he winced and waited for the response.


Wheeljack flinched.

"no he just wondered out of the medbay. he's still on base. I just have to locate him."


"he's not lost Ratchet. he's on base. he's probably looking for Prowl."

he didn't get a reply. he sighed and continued to search for him. he and Sari searched the base.

"there you are you little squirt." Wheeljack said grabbing the sparkling. Bumblebee squealed loudly and laughed.

"I think he was playing hide and seek."

Wheeljack waited for an answer but just assumed his bonded was busy.

"hey Wheeljack?" Sari ask.

"hmm?" he ask.

"does he remember what happened to him? Prowl said he was kidnapped by Decepticons." Sari said.

"unfortunately, I think so." Wheeljack replied.

*with the team*

"alright guys lets head home. it's gonna start storming." Optimus said as they headed out. Ratchet seemed distracted, drifting slightly across the road as thunder roared across the sky. "Ratchet? you okay?" Optimus ask. suddenly the medic sped past him, faster than they'd seen him go.

"somethings wrong with Bumblebee!" Ratchet shouted. 

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