The days had flown by.

When Taehyung started to sleep at Jungkook's room, Jungkook could only fuck someone if his parents were not there, since they also had to work, so he and Taehyung were left at their house with their maids.

Jungkook can only fuck a random person in his room if Taehyung is not present and is playing in the garden or watching from the salas.

Now their parents are not in their house, so that means he can do what he wants.
He told Taehyung to play in the garden, so Taehyung went to the garden while he was having fun with a girl.

"Ughahhhmm.. Daddy, ohh faster." The girl moans.

"Shitt, you are such a fucking tight slutt." Jungkook groans

"Nghugh." So huge daddy hmm. " The girl moans.

Jungkook was thrusting her deeper and harder.

Taehyung felt bored playing in the garden, so he decided to go back to their room. When he was near the door, he heard a loud noise inside of their room since the door was slightly open.

Because of being excited to fuck someone, Jungkook forgot to lock the door.

So Taehyung decided to go inside. When he went inside, he saw his son playing a game with a girl.

He didn't know what his hyung was doing because his hyung only said that it was just a game that two people were playing.

He smiled and called his hyung, who was now thrusting the girl who was laying on the bed moaning in pain.

"Kookie hyung."Taehyung said with a smile.

Jungkook suddenly stopped, then he looked at his right side. He saw Taehyung smiling while looking at them.

"T-taehyung." Jungkook said and immediately removed his cap from inside the girl.

"Leave now." Jungkook said to the girl.

"But we're not yet done." The girl said

"I said leave now." Jungkook said, and the girl just rolled his eyes before getting up. He took all of her clothes and left them.

Jungkook looked again at Taehyung, who was still smiling at him.

"What are you doing here, Taehyung?" Jungkook said and pulled Taehyung towards him.

"Hyung" I-I was bored in the garden, ehh I'm sorry hyung.Taehyung said

"But why didn't you call me outside or wait for me in front of the door?" Jungkook said

"The door was open and I heard a loud noise here, so I went inside." Taehyung said

"But taehyung, at least you should wait for me." Jungkook said

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you while playing." Taehyung said

Jungkook just faced palms.

"Hyung, look they are also playing." Taehyung said while pointing at the Jungkooks laptop, which was now playing an adult movie.

"Jungkook examined it, then turned to Taehyung."But Taehyung just smiled on him.

"Hyung can I watched it."Taehyung said

"Its not good for you taehyung." Jungkook said

"But hyung I want.. Plsss" taehyung said

OK, I won't stop you from watching it if you want, but don't tell dad and mom that I let you watch it. Promise."Jungkook said

"OK, kookie, I promise." Taehyung said with a smile.

He took a seat on the edge of the bed, and then he started to watch the video on Jungkook's laptop.

Jungkook just smiled, then he cleaned his bed... After he cleaned it, he locked the door, making sure that no one would be caught taehyung. Then he went inside the bathroom and took a bath.

After he took a bath, he wore a boxer, then sat beside Taehyung, who was now still focused on watching the video on his laptop.

"Hyung, what was he doing?" Taehyung while pointing to a guy on the video that is sucking the cock of his partner.

Jungkook lied: " was just licking it like a lollipop."

"Can I try it, young?" Taehyung inquires innocently.

"Of course, if the right time has come." Jungkook said

"I want now, hyung." Taehyung said, then he pouted.

"Baby, this is not the right time. Maybe soon." Jungkook said

"Why will it take so long, hyung?" Taehyung said

"Aishhh, don't ask me so many questions, OK." Jungkook said

"Ohh OK hyung." Taehyung said, then he smiled.

They continued watching it until Taehyung felt sleepy.

"Hyung, I'm sleepy." Taehyung said

"Ohh, take a nap now." Taehyung said

"Thanks, Hyung." Taehyung said as he closed his eyes.

"Take a rest." Jungkook said until Taehyung fell asleep.

Then he put his laptop on the table and laid beside Taehyung too.

 Innocent (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now