Episode 21 The Threads that Bind Us

Start from the beginning

"For the last time YOU'RE NOT MY MOM!" The two began a small pattern of Ragyo running away while Ryuko chased after her. All of this while Ragyo kept talking, manipulating her into feeling a certain way, to put it shortly Ragyo was pissing her off on purpose.

"Magnificent! Now that's determination. Looking at you my heart sings! More then it ever did for that FAILURE sister of yours." While me and mom simply watched the two's battle Gamagori had enough.

"ENOUGH! I WILL NOT STAND BY AND LET YOU MOCK LADY SATSUKI!" And in a show of frankly terrifying anger the fake Ragyo swiftly placed her figure directly above the massive mass that was Gamagori, dwarfing him slightly.

"Now WHY ON EARTH would I give ANY praise to the daughter who stabbed me in the back!? Hmm!?" The body then zipped back over to Ryuko as Ragyo immediately switched tones from one of a crazed maniac to a caring woman.

"You don't resent your mother do you dear? You don't really hate me." Okay that's it I'm killing this fucking thing.

With Yokubo still on my body we transformed and in less then a second I was right next to Ragyo, one slice from cutting this damn thing's head off! I brought my scissor down only for the copy to drag itself out of my blades path! I looked over to notice the copy rubbing it's neck before revealing a small scratch were my blade had planned to go.

"Hmm, well that's interesting, I would've thought the life fibers in your synthesized DNA would've prohibited you from harming me... Well this is a copy of course. Not like you would ever hurt a follower of yours my master." What the fuck is this woman?

"Okay why the hell do you keep calling me that!? You got a hate submission fetish or something!?"

"Oh dear, it seems you've picked up some vocabulary from that dirty little kamui. Well if you want an answer, it's simple you're a higher being then I am, at least you and that brat Nui therefore I feel obliged to call you master. You will turn back to your primal instincts, and then all of us will be a big happy family!" I heard a soft voice behind me as Ryuko spoke up.

"We'll never be a family, all I wanna do is kill you." This brought a smile to Ragyo's face as she quickly pointed to the large island we used to call home.

"THEN COME TO HONNOJI ACADEMY AND WE CAN PUT THIS MOTHER DAUGHTER FEUD TO REST!" And with that the creature that was Ragyo Kiryuuin vanished into the air as the life fibers spun upwards into the air and down into Honnoji academy.

It was here I noticed Ryuko wasn't behind me anymore she was already walking to Honnoji academy. Before I could even start Mikisugi rolled up to her in his DTR.

"Ryuko wait! You're walking right into their trap, cool down before you do something stupid!" Ryuko being still infuriated by Ragyo's teasing responded violently.

"Quit actin' like your still my teacher!" She swiftly brought her scissor down on Mikisugi's DTR, cutting it in half leaving Mikisugi lying on the floor unharmed. However Ryuko wasn't done.

"This was all your fault from the start. You knew everything but you played it cool! Sittin' back laughin' at me. LAUGHIN' AT THE FREAK!" At this point I had ran over to the now almost in tears Ryuko and wrapped her in a hug from behind.

"Ryuko please, you know that's not true! What about the mouse! They didn't know about that!" Ryuko had calmed down some but was still taking ragged breaths as she spoke.

"I know what I know, and I'm sick of your bullshit!" Before Ryuko could swing her scissor at Mikisugi, Tsumug had arrived with his guns pointed straight at us.

"Looks like humans and clothes can't get along after all." And that's where I started getting pissed off too.

"Okay what the fuck is your deal Tsumugu!? We're just trying to live our lives! If anything you're the one not getting along!" Ryuko swiftly pushed me to the side as she brought her blade back...

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