"Never heard of it, also don't really know who Lauv is, so I hope it's good." Liam replied with a chuckle still concentrating on the street. They were a lot closer to their home town then before. Probably around 30 minutes away from home.

I'm really gonna miss you, but I'll kiss you through the screen

For now, 'til you come home to me

Niall was quietly singing a long, like he pretty much always did, and Liam enjoyed every second of it. He loved him. God he really did. He fell hard so fucking hard. After this weekend he knew, that he couldn't let him go again. It will be hard and complicated in the future, Liam knew that, but he also knew that he would do everything he could to keep Niall.

But everything most come to an end.

"I'm gonna drop you off at home."

As those words left the older ones mouth Niall stopped singing immediately.

"I'm gonna bring you home." Liam said again, but a bit differently this time.

"B-but you mean your house... right?"

Liam sighed.
"N-no. To your parents."

With that Niall turned the volume of the music down. "But I thought we are going to your place, so I can see Aiden again? I don't wanna wait till tomorrow!" The blue eyed one exclaimed shocked and extremely unhappy.

"I know... but it's the best if you just go home. You'll have school tomorrow. And I have a lot of stuff to catch up on tonight. I also don't think it's necessary that you will babysit tomorrow-"

"Why?" Niall interrupted him. And with that his good mood was gone. Why is Liam acting all weird again?

"I can take care of him tomorrow, just take a day off..."

"But I wanna spend time with you! I'm your boyfriend now, not just the damn babysitter anymore!" Niall said bitterly.

Everything was so good, what changed? Was it because of this damn phone call? Who could it possibly have been?

Liam stayed quiet. Eyes on the road.
Niall just starred at him in disbelief.

"What did I do wrong in the last two hours? I thought we had a g-great time?" Niall asked sadly. They just turned into his street. Niall could even already see his house. Well- his parents house.

Liam head turned to him quickly before he looked at the street again. He bit on his lips. He hated to see Niall sad.

And oh god he hated even more to be the reason for the boys sadness.

"You did nothing wrong don't ever think that, okay? It's just- it's nothing. We just should concentrate on our work and school things in the next few days, alright?"

"D-days? More than just one? So I'm not gonna see you or Aiden anytime soon? Really?"


"Do you don't want me to be part of Aidens life anymore? You- you said I could be his other p-parent... was this just all to get me into bed?" Now Niall was shivering, he couldn't believe he actually said that. He can't believe these thoughts even cross his mind! I mean- he's talking about Liam for gods sake! But what if it's true? If Liam just played with him? How the fuck should Niall know? He never had a boyfriend, never was in an relationship.

"Niall no-"

"No. Just let me out. I don't know what I did to make you- like this... and I don't know if you have been lying to me this whole time... but I know that I d-didn't lie once. I meant everything I said."


"I should just go, bye. Thank you for this beautiful birthday weekend I really loved it and enjoyed every second of it... please tell Aiden that I love him, okay?" Niall mumbled grabbing his backpack before he jumped out of the car, slamming the door behind him.

Liam sat in silence. He couldn't believe what just happened. God he's stupid. Did he just ruin everything?


heyy lovers, i hope ya
liked this chapter!

fall is now completely here and I don't know if I should be happy or sad about it haha, anyways, sorry for any grammar mistakes.
love ya

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