Side Report: Eret

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"There's this new project," He whispered, so low enough that even Dream had trouble listening, tone concerned and filled with worry. "It uses a Thaumiel to create this substance, something that can... We're trying to use it to, not exactly brainwash SCPs, but... It may- may even be for the scientists as well." Dream's back stiffened, and even though Eret couldn't see half his face, he could still somehow feel the shock and disbelief from his words.

"Clay, please," Eret murmured, gripping his arm tightly. "Tell me what to do..." For once, Dream seemed stunned into silence, something rather new to Eret. He tapped his fingers against the desk of Dream's desk, a nervous habit he supposed he should really get rid of.

"Eret I'm going to be honest with you," He muttered, and if Eret could see his face, he'd say he had a far-away look, lost in his own thoughts as he usually was. "I think you're in some deep shit, and I'm not too sure if you can get back out." Eret's breath hitched, and Dream turned to face him. "Whether you stay or go, they're going to keep working on this project. I don't like it, but maybe if you stayed... You're a good guy. People like you. Maybe they'll listen to you."

Eret could feel his palms starting to sweat as he gazed back out of the window towards the blank-faced SCP. His finger-tapping slowed as he forced down his nerves with another deep breath, giving his friend one last look over.

"Thank you, Clay," He breathed, pulling him into a tight hug, the warmth he received from it enough to calm him just enough to not break into an existential crisis. "I'll try, I promise I will." Dream smiled, that part at least still visible from under his mask, thankfully.

"And hey, when you're done for today," Dream called out just as Eret was about to step out the door, causing the already jumpy man to start tapping his fingers against the frame once more. "Come see me in my room tonight. There's something I wanted to show you."

"Yeah, of course," Eret smiled, the promise of finally being able to spend time with his only friend oddly comforting. "I'd like that, Dream."

And with that, he left.


"Hello! I'm SCP-8811-2, but please," The tall, brown-haired man smiled widely, adjusting his already straight glasses to look Eret in his brown eyes. "Call me Darryl." Eret returned his warm and kind expression as best as possible, reaching out to shake Darryl's hand, ignoring how freaky his glowing white eyes were.

"Nice to meet you, Darryl," Eret said as warmly as possible, letting his hand slip out from the shake. "My name is Dr. Eret. Please, take a seat." Darryl's smile became a little nervous, brows furrowed slightly in concern as he followed the doctor towards what looked like a dentist chair, several straps on the seat seemingly incorporated to hold him in place.

"Is this..." Darryl visibly gulped, the certainty from moments prior all but vanishing. Eret gave him a sympathetic glance, fumbling with his pockets for a minute, searching for the small pill bottles he always carried in it. He popped the tab for the first one, gesturing for Darryl's hand, dropping a small tablet into his open palm. He popped the second one open, the one that they claimed did no good, but Eret gave to him anyways, letting the significantly larger pill fall into his palm as well.

"The restraints are just for SCP-8811," Eret explained as calmly as he could without losing his cool. "And I'm afraid the pills are simply necessary before we begin the experiment. They won't hurt you, I promise." Eret handed Darryl a bottle of water, trying for the most reassuring smile he could, hoping Darryl couldn't see his pity and guilt as he downed both the tablet and pill. Eret always hated lying, and even after several years of working in the Foundation's top-secret projects, it still made his gut wrench.

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