"Oh? Who would that be?"

"Draco Malfoy." Amilia stood and crossed the room, "I can speak with him if you would like."

"That would be wonderful." The Charms Professor smiled and walked away. Amilia glanced out into her classroom; some students had left it in disarray after seeking her help that afternoon. She stepped into it and flicked her wrist. Salvageable scrolls put themselves back on her shelves, books neatly stacked at the ends of the large tables, quills set themselves to the side for washing, and the remaining parchment papers that were not worth anything floated into her hands.

She flipped through them; some of the writing looks like notes for a class, and others were nothing of importance. She set them on her desk; she would see if the students needed them tomorrow, and if not, she would burn them in her fireplace. Amilia collected her items and walked to the Great Hall.

Dumbledore approached her as she reached the doors, "Professor Hubbard, might I interest you in tea in my office?"

Amilia tilted her head, "I would be honored." He held his arm out for her, and they walked together. "What seems to be the problem?" She asked quietly as they stood in front of the stone gargoyle. The statue moved, and the staircase appeared.

Once inside his office, he released her arm. "I think I have figured out how to hide the stone safely."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there is a certain item here in the castle; I can cast a charm and place the Philosophers stone within it."

Amilia crossed her arms over her chest, "And this is going to keep it safe?"


"Then what was the point of bringing me back here?" Amilia snapped.

Dumbledore squinted at her behind his glasses, "I do appreciate the help you have given me. We had eliminated many possibilities."

Amilia looked away from the man. "And what should I do in the meantime, since it appears you no longer need my assistance on this?"

"One person knowing exactly what is done is safest; I do not want you to be placed in harm's way. As for what you should do, your job as a professor. We still need to make sure that the stone remains safe despite being in the object."

Amilia raised a hand, dismissively, "Anything else, sir?"

"Can you be ready later tonight? The others are ready to set up the challenges."

"Even if the stone is not hidden?"

Dumbledore turned his back on her and lovingly petted the phoenix near the stairs. "They do not need to know that. It will take me some time to get the item ready; then, I will need your assistance in transporting said item."

"Of course," Amilia waved her, goodbye, "I am always happy to help."

"Have a good evening, Amilia. I will have Severus collect you at ten-thirty tonight."

Amilia stopped, her hand resting on the wall near the statue, "What?"

"You both are in the dungeons; it will be easier that way, less owls flying around."

"Albus, I do not need to be collected. Besides, he would have to go up to the main floor and then go through my office."

Dumbledore turned around, "Did I not tell you? I added a door to your chambers. That way, you have quicker access to the Slytherin Common Room."

Amilia stared at him, dumbfounded. "No, you did not tell me that." That would have been of use the other night.

"My apologies. The door, when you are in your quarters, will appear behind where your little table is. Do you know roughly where that will be in the corridor? Little steps will appear in your sitting room when in use; I used Thunderbird as the password. You may change it as you see fit."

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