Chapter 23: The harsh reality of life

Start from the beginning

I nodded and quickly got to work , scrubbing the entire kitchen until my body was numb from pain and exhaustion.

Once I was sure I wouldn't get beaten for the kitchens state , I dragged my body up the stairs and collapsed onto my mattress that was set up in my so called room.

I used to have a bed but she donates it since she claimed it was talking up space. I reached for my phone which was still in my pocket.

It was surprisingly still in tack even after what had happened.

I checked my phone to see two texts from kiri, I opened it and it was a simple hello with a message below that asked if I was doing okay.

I frowned but typed back a simple response.

Bakugo: I'm fine weird hair

Kirishima is typing...

Kirishima: are you sure , you kind of left in a rush earlier , I'm worried bakugo..

Bakugo: im fine just leave it alone , I'll talk to you later

Kirishima: bakugo wait I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with the bakusquad tomorrow..?

Bakugo: yeah sure , whatever I'll talk to you later hair for brains.

Kirishima: yay we are going to have so much fun g'night blasty :))

I threw my phone onto my bed and laid my head back on my make shift pillow I made out of some old jackets that had been soiled with blood or over use.

My mind was swimming with thoughts, the feeling of pain becoming a dull throb in the back of my mind until I eventually passed out from either pain or exhaustion.

In Bakugos dream...

I was back in that place again, the villains hide out.

All of them were giggling as I struggled against my chains that held me in place.

The sense of pure fear courses through my veins.

"Come on baku-Chan..just stop struggling~" gosh giggled , I saw dabi smirk and move closer to me, his blue fire illuminating the room .

"N-no..please no..." I begged, they all began to giggle as there figures contorted before my eyes, shifting Into my class mates.

"Your so weak" Urakaka chided.

" so pitiful.." denki said whole laughing.

"Why are you even at UA you don't belong here.." todoroki joined in with a smirk.

"Why are you here kacchan , you knew what you've done .. stop prentending..."Deku commanded.

"I would never love someone like you.." Kirishima scoffed, his wispy form turning away from me.

Fat tears rolled down my face at his statement , he was right.

Suddenly all of the color drained from the backround and shrunk away until there was nothing left to see except darkness.

I glanced around at the black landscape before me, the silence was unnerving, all my thoughts were blurring together , it was as if a wave of panic hit me and dragged me Into another state of panic, I felt like I was drowning . I was.

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