Chapter ✿ Sixty Eight

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"Hazzy!" Louis calls out to his boyfriend. The boy had just been to Niall's for a visit, leaving his curly-haired boy asleep with a note for when he woke up. "Babe?" Louis calls out again, furrowing his eyebrows when getting no reply. He climbs the stairs slowly and quietly, listening out for the older man.

Once upstairs, Louis pushes open the door and frowns when seeing Harry still in the same place he left him. Harry had started his new medication and was still getting used to it, Louis understands that, but he still worries. Harry was still down and always tired, he barely ate and hadn't been very patient with Louis.

Louis climbs into the bed and straddles Harry's bum, laying his stomach to Harry's back. He kisses Harry's cheek that is turned upwards and watches the man squirm a little when Louis places his hands under his stomach. "Hazza bear, I am back," Louis whispers and kisses his cheek again, longer this time. Long enough to feel Harry's dimple deepen when he smiles.

"Where'd you go, love?" Harry asks, his voice groggy with sleep, but sweet-sounding at the same time. Louis climbs off of him and hugs into his chest as Harry lifts an arm up, closing his eyes again after the constant blinking to try and keep them open didn't work.

"Niall's house... He gave me my last lot of homework before I have to go back," Louis pouts and places a gentle kiss on Harry's neck. There was never a time Louis didn't want to kiss Harry, really.

"I know, darling. But at least that means you're getting better. I'm so glad your memory is almost fully back," Harry opens his lovely green eyes to see Louis' own looking up at him. "And I'll be there to pick you up and drop you off at school always. Just remember I am only a call away, okay?" Louis just nods and places his hands on Harry's chest, feeling his heart pounding gently.

"I am glad everything seems to be settling down now... I'm tired of drama."


"Off the bloody table," Jay laughs as she walks in on Harry and Louis making out with Louis sitting on the dining table. Louis squeaks and slaps his hands down to where Harry's are held on his hips. "Sorry, mum," Louis blushes and climbs off of the table, with help from Harry, of course.

"It is fine, I've seen Harry doing worse year's ago." She shakes her head and scrunches her nose at the memory of the teenager and her daughter.

"What?" Louis raises an eyebrow at a blushy and amused Harry. The smaller huffs and ignores Harry's question. He pulls out a chair and sits down, awaiting his dinner. "Oh come on, Lou. It was ages ago." Harry sits beside him.

Louis pushes his hand through his hair and then places them in front of himself, resting against the table, his head turned away from Harry, looking over at his mother who dishes up the food he and Harry had made earlier. "Don't care."

"Stop being jealous... There isn't any need for it," Harry whispers to him, tone soft and loving. Harry reaches forward to grab one of Louis' hands and gently rubs his thumb over the soft skin. "I'd much rather be caught with you," Harry jokes but immediately regrets it when Louis turns to him with wide eyes.

"Don't jinx it!" He whisper-yells, slapping Harry's arm gently, a small smile threatening to escape onto his lips. "I hate you. I hate you so much." Louis leans over and grasps the back of Harry's neck, pulling him forward for a loving kiss.

The doorbell ringing causes them to separate, a groan falling from both of their lips. They stare at each other, Louis pouting and Harry grinning, hand moving up to cup Louis' cheek. "You guys can... Continue. I'll get the door," Jay snorts and walks past the two boys who immediately latch back onto each other, desperately kissing now that Jay is out of the room.

A gasp is heard from the doorway and Louis and Harry quickly pull apart, eyes falling on Lottie. She stands there, clad in nurse gear, her perfectly manicured fingers wrapped around a container and her now pink hair tied into a ponytail. "What-"

Jay stands behind her, biting her lip, her whole face full of stress. "Lotts... I'm sorry you had to find out this way," Jay hisses and pushes passed the frozen girl.

"I came to apologise," Charlotte speaks, setting down the container full of cupcakes in front of Louis and Harry. "I made you these."

"Are they poisoned?" Louis questions, opening the lid and licking his lips at the chocolate cakes. He looks back to Lottie, expectant of an answer that doesn't come. But Harry snickers softly at the boy, kicking him from under the table, the action not going unnoticed by Lottie.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, Harry. I'm stupid, I am pathetic and selfish. I'm not going to stand here and make excuses, I am not going to beg for your forgiveness." She takes a deep breath, eyes tearing up as they look over at Louis. He is already stuffing a cupcake into his mouth, cheeks chubbing at the sides. "I should never have done what I did. It was ridiculous. But Harry, I truly loved you, please don't ever doubt that. I'm going to get help because I need to stop hurting people."

Harry looks down at his hands, nodding a little. As much as he knows he should feel sad, he can't help but be glad. Especially when he looks over just in time to watch Louis eat another cupcake, chocolate smeared over his face. Without the pain, he wouldn't have Louis.

"I'm genuinely really, truly sorry, Harry... And I am really sorry about what happened to you, Lou," she looks over to him and frowns. "Even though we are always fighting, you are my baby brother and I love you." She closes her eyes and speaks quickly. "And it seems you two have something going and I am happy that you found each other," her voice cracks, and she sniffles a little. "I hope you have a happy life together- if that is what this is."

"Thank you, Lottie." Harry is the first to speak. "I-I forgive you."

"Really?" Lottie shudders as a surprising breath of relief escapes her lips. When Harry nods, she leans down to hug him. Louis glares and Harry stills, but slowly sinks into it. "Thank you for all our years together. I hope Louis is better to you. You deserve it."

Hey! I finally got motivated for an update! Remember to comment lots so I can update again quicker, pleaseeee

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Hey! I finally got motivated for an update! Remember to comment lots so I can update again quicker, pleaseeee.
Once again my mental health hasn't been great, but I am really trying to improve, so thank you guys for your support.

Would you forgive Lottie?

What do you think Harry and Louis are both feeling?

If you could have one thing in this book to happen before it ends, what would it be?

What about this book have you liked the most?

Any questions for me? X

Have a great day/night, lovelies! xoxo

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now