Chapter 4: Royal Problems

Start from the beginning

Of course it's not all fun and games in the Elven Kingdom. Princess Zanera Mistsinger isn't exactly having a good day herself. Her council full of advisers are...well let's be honest, a bunch of dudebro jerkwads and have turned her council is to basically a boys' club. Since nearly all of them are males with two exceptions her being one of them. There's only one male that is actually on her side and actually treats her with respect. Eedelia Runespark, excuse me, Court Mage Eedelia Rune Spark. Zanera has fair skin, dark purple hair, glowing blue eyes and is currently dressed like she's in mourning wearing all black robes. Oh she's also wearing something else that one her adviser idiots having an issue with. "Princess, I must object. Your beauty is a gift of the gods and should be shared with the world. Remove that mask immediately!" Yes Princess Zanera is wearing a fancy ballroom style mask that is obscuring her face only truly showing her lower face and mouth so she can actually eat & speak clearly.

"Watch your tone, you do not order the princess." Eedelia shoots back. Eedelia has short blond hair, blue eyes, pale skin, dress in some pretty snazzy blue mage robes. Oh and he has a pet familiar that kind of looks like an imp. No he's a wizard not a warlock, I don't why it looks like that.

Zanera sighs in frustration but keeps her composure, "You know not the burden I have. I am Princess of the High Elves and I shall wear what I see fit. Besides...I'd rather not spoil my subjects with such a blessing. You wouldn't wish me to make everyone feel inferior do you? It would be quite the distraction."

"You're mother was not so shy about her appearance." Adviser Idiot comments dryly.

"Then why is she not here to rule?" The Princess snaps.

Adviser Idiot hesitates to answer, caught completely off guard, "Well...that is a rather unfair question."

Zanera cocks her head to the side in with an obvious glare through her mask, "Is it? I will not have you compare me to my mother. I have no doubt, as many of you have told me, that she was an amazing ruler and beautiful beyond compare. But clearly taking care of her daughter and kingdom was not a priority to her, since she isn't around and I am. Do I make myself clear?"

Adviser Idiot nods, "Yes Princess."

Zanera and Eedelia leave, her giving an exhausting sigh, "I shouldn't have to put up with this. And I'm so sick of everyone wanting to drool over my perfected face. Was Mom ever vain?"

Eedelia shrugs, "Perhaps so my Princess. I sadly didn't meet her like my predecessor did. However when I originally suggest the mask to you all those years ago..."

Zanera instinctively touching it with her one hand as they walked, "When you finally confessed the horrible secret about my so called blessing."

He sighs,"I merely wished to try and protect you from the outside world. As you remember there are many who would do terrible things to or for such beauty, I hadn't meant to frighten you of your own gifts."

Zanera shook her head, "I don't blame you Master Runespark, your intentions were noble. But how else can I see myself? To be considered so beautiful, that kingdoms would want to start wars, to claim me as a trophy bride. To never know that anyone who wished to be friends or something more is sincere about their feelings and not by influence. And the tragic truth is not even you will be immune to it's effects. And it's not is if I could find a spell for it, at least not one that would come with a heavy price."

The court mage gives his princess a comforting hug, "Yes I know. Few ever wished they were not as pretty as they are. It is most always seeking perfection in appearance. However...I may have an idea of something."

"I'm desperate."

"You should seek out the Blue Dragons of Mana. They might be able to help you. Part of the reason for your beauty is directly tied to your magic. And they know more about magic than any other. Perhaps they could teach you to control it and hopefully by extension your appearance." He suggested.

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