Ch 33 - J.A.R.V.I.S

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Peter had heard a lot about Jarvis but never got to know the AI. Pepper and Rhodey told him all about the connection he and Tony had. He even used to hang a sock on Christmas with Jarvis's name.

He first came to know about his existence when one day in lab Tony accidentally called Friday Jarvis. He then talked to Pepper and Rhodey about this and they just grimmed a little. Then told him the whole story. How Ultron fucked Jarvis up and Vision like absorbed him afterwards.

He felt bad for Tony because he had lost so much in life just like Tony and if he could give Tony Jarvis back it would make both of them happy.

The next day he went to Vision who was sitting on the couch with Wanda. "Hey Google come here for a sec" Peter said. Vision got up grumbling something about being called different names. Peter and Vision walked into Peter's lab.

"Why did you need me?" Vision asked. "Do you know about Jarvis?" Peter asked. "Yes" Vision stated. "Good then I can scan you and look for Jarvis in your coding structure". Peter said. "But Dr. Banner and Tony said it was not possible anymore". Vision said. "Did they try?" Peter asked.

Vision nodded negatively. "But will my intellect and way of behaving change by this?" Vision asked. "I'll make sure it doesn't." Peter said. "But what if you don't find him" Vision asked. "Vision just an ounce of him is enough to rebuild him" Peter said.

Vision nodded and cooperated as Peter scanned him and then connected him with his computer through Wifi. "Do you see anything. As soon as you do please tell me". Vision said resting. "No. Sure". Peter said.

"Man i dont think Jarvis is lef...Wait it's him i mean similar to him I can check just give me a sec". Peter said and copied the code to his screen. "Karen run the logical sequences and see if it is any similar to your coding I mean like an AI" Peter said. "Affirmative. The code has a 57% chance of being an AI" Karen said.

"YES!!!" Peter screamed. "Peter you good?" Tony said knocking on the lab's door. "I heard you screaming?". "Ah yes Mr. Stark i just beat Ned in Call of Duty". Peter lied. "Ah ok" Tony said and Peter heard footsteps walking away.

"Ok Vision I did not extract the code just copied it so you should be fine" Peter said removing him from the machines. "Yes I don't feel any different". Vision confirmed. "Very good now what happened here stays between us you cannot tell about this to anybody" Peter said. "Then when will you tell them?" Vision asked.

"It's a month from Christmas I can rebuild Jarvis and then make the reunion" Peter said. "A very good idea indeed" Vision said. "All right now run off" Peter said pushing Vision out and sat I front of the computer.

It was much more complex then he thought. He transferred everything to his server so that he could do the work at home and no one could ruin the surprise. It would have taken three months to complete at the least bit he completed the whole class syllabus in one go and then pulled all nighters for completing Jarvis.

He skipped 4 lab days and everyone was getting worried except Aunt May who Peter always told everything about. Tony and everybody at the Tower thought that they did something wrong that's why he was avoiding them. "It's the fourth time he's skipping Lab day" Tony said. "We did something wrong". Natasha said standing i front of a whiteboard with 'WHO TF UPSET PETER' written on it.

"Don't make assumptions just call him" Rhodey said. "Pfft yeah" Clint said. "I agree" Pepper said. "You know what not a bad idea" Tony said and dialled Peter who was sipping RedBull. "Hey Peter" Tony said. "Hey" Peter said. "So I just wanted to ask will you be coming in the next lab day?" Tony asked hopefully. "Ah no i got some stuff to take care of" Peter said. "Uh what stuff? Maybe we could help you". Tony said. "No I can deal with it you focus on your own work". Peter said. "Uh ok. Will you be willing to come on Christmas?" Tony asked.

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