"When you were talking into my neck it tickled." He laughed, causing everyone around us to also laugh out.

"You're a nerd." Ryland states, causing Nick to flip him off.

"But anyways we missed you too. We were going to book a flight to New York , but Thomas told us you were coming over today so we didn't." Ryland continues. "Aw it's so nice knowing that my two best buddies care about me. But you know what's even crazier? How one of my best buds didn't even tell me they were canoodling with a certain singer? Her name is Madison Beer.. ever heard of her?" I stated. I could already see Nick's cheeks turn a glowing red color. However, not wanting everyone to hear his business I pull him by his arm and we head outside, sitting by the pool.

"I was gonna tell you." Is the first thing Nick says as we sit down.

"Mhmm. I'm sure of it." I state, sarcastically.

"Okay I wasn't fully sure of it yet. We've been getting close but I don't know. One moment we're texting romantically, the next she's conflicted and doesn't want us to be seen in public because media talks."

"Well do you understand at least where she's coming from? Madison has been through a lot. None of her ex's were right for her, and that's legit all that's been shown in the media. She just doesn't want to get hurt again, Nick." I say, reasoning with him. As a girl, I can totally see where Madison was coming from. She doesn't want to be put through anymore embarrassment and hurt so she's closed off. "But I won't hurt her! I do everything right by her. I don't lie, cheat, and I'm not selfish." He states, causing me to laugh loudly.

"Nick that was very corny. You're not 'selfish'? Okay Madison Beer."

"I thought I was being subtle." He mumbled, while chucking a little.

"That was fucking horrible." I smile, pushing his arm lightly. "Woah, woah, woah. First of all, what's up with you? On a date with Vinnie three days ago? I thought you said no dating boys for a year?" Nick questions. "Well good news, I'm still not dating anyone. We went out for lunch, and that was it. Just catching up... friendly things." I say, not realizing how bitter I sounded.

"You don't sound too happy with that... You still like him don't you?" He questions, and I just nod my head. Nick and Ryland were the first people I ever old about my little Vinnie crush. Big mouth Ryland told big mouth Dixie who told Charli who told Avani and Amelie, who ended up bringing it all back to me at one of our little girls nights. From then on I knew I could never tell them any other secrets because these bitches can't even keep it to themselves. Oh did I forget to mention that Charli told Chase who almost told Vinnie? But that's a story for another time.

"Why don't you just tell him you like him?"

"It's not that easy for me! I get shy and I turn into a big ass baby around him. Not only that, but he called me his fucking sister yesterday! And then proceeded to tell me how he used to like me, but then I went through my little 'fuck the world' phase and he ended up moving on to Emily." I gush out.

"But didn't Emily like cheat on him or something?" He questions.

"Hell if I know. I don't know anything anymore, I just read the comments, and apparently they know more than me." I state truthfully. I never really knew what happened with Vinnie and Emily. I just knew one day they stopped talking, and that was literally the end of them. Or at least I think so. Vinnie doesn't really tell me about his relationships.

"Either way, I still think you should go for it. You guys have chemistry when you're around each other and y'all are so cute. But hey, what do I know? I'm not the love doctor." Nick replies. "Don't." I laugh out. It was an inside joke he loved saying every time I'd come to him for relationship advice. "I also think you should talk to Madison. She's scared to love again, and I think she just needs that validation that you won't hurt her. Just show her you care about her, love her unconditionally, and bring her chocolates or some flowers or whatever she likes. And then text me all about it so we can gossip like old times." I smile.

Nick nods his head before pulling me into another hug. "Thank you, ugly. I'm serious about the Vinnie thing though. Just tell him. You'll never know what could happen."

And Nick was right...

You never really know...


hello :)

hope you liked the chapter !

nick and valeria's friendship is everything🥺💖

we stan a healthy friendship.

vote comment and share?!

also give me feedback in the comments?! i can take criticism very well and i honestly don't mind💗

lastly if there is any character you want to make an appearance i will be more than glad to add them!! make sure you check the "meet the characters" list though before commenting because i already had a couple in mind :)



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