Dreambur- Don't Tell anyone

Start from the beginning

To Wilbur's Malheur he gets slower and slower and suddenly the other jumps on him. They both fall together into the grass laughing like they are mad.
The laugh quiets down when they both turn their heads to each other and stare into the others eyes. Slowly a hand reaches out for the other, fingers interlock together.
Smiles exchanged.
Both turn back their heads into the sky. Listening to the birds and enjoying the moment.
While just laying there, wilbur slowly moves closer to Dream. After a while he rests his head in Dreams lap getting head scratches.
His mind driving off...
He falls asleep.

The day grows old and even though Dream doesn't want to wake Will up he has to.
"Will... Come on.... Please..."
The eyes open.
"Need to go?"
A sign.
Then they stand up and make them on their way back. Not breaking apart holding hands the whole time.
Again they arrive at the wooden path.
"What are we?"
"I don't want to be friends. I... Couldn't be friends."
A smile. Lips touching lips.
Bodies pressed against each other and....

"What the actual fuck?!"

They part away.
Tommy is standing there. Starring at them. Eyes widen in shock.
"You....- dating-.... What?!"
"Tommy it's...."
Wilbur tries to explain.
"Yes we are dating but we would appreciate it if you would keep quiet.... We want a bit time to.... You know?"
"Wil- you-"
"Tommy.... I know it's strange but-"
Dream cuts him off.
"We are dating.... And no we haven't... Fucked. Yet."
"To much information."
Wilbur goes red and buries his head in Dreams shoulder.
"You two...dating... I keep quiet. And.... Just... Take a room man! I don't want to see making out in the middle of the path again!"
And with that Tommy walks back to his house.
"Well that went smooth."
"He... Is like my little brother and.... Oh God."
"It's fine Wilbur. He took it well and I don't think he mind. Just.... Let us go and get sleep."
A nod. Then silence.
"I... Good night I guess..."
"Good night"
An other kiss soft and passionate at the same time. And again they go separated ways.

"Tubbo! You heard that?! Wilbur and.... Dream! I mean they were enemies and now.... They fuck each other!"
"You sure it wasn't a dream? I mean it's not uncommon that people dream something like tha-"
"They do. I'm interaly sure!"
"Oh fuck.... Well... I mean.... They already went on a date.... Soooo"
"That date was just a joke!"
"Do you know that?"
Tommy stays silent.
They exchange glances.
No talking about it.

The next time Tommy says something is when Fundy and Eret talked with him about their marriage.
Both thinking that Wilbur wouldn't appreciate a marriage between his son and the traitor.
Well who wants to marry the son off to a traitor who nearly killed them all.
While they talked something just probably slipped...
"... Would never allow that. We probably need to make a deal to get his blessing or I don't know but I do t want to marry without my dad agree and that's why.... I mean-"
"Guys! Shut up. Will is dating Dream he can't just kill Fundy because of that!"
Oh fuck
"Nevermind just.... Keep talikng and-"
"My dad and the enemy?"
"Heh... Yea. But please don't tell them its form me. I .... Would get into trouble."
"Okay... Then... Thank you for your help I guess. I mean... Now we know he won't hate us or? He's dating the enemy too."
"Wait does that mean Dream is my dad too?"
"Holy shit."
"Woahhhhh daddy Dream!"
"Well I guess we can tell Wilbur.... Then."
"But keep in mind to not mention it! I wasn't really supposed to tell you..."
"Yea we won't."

That is how Fundy and Eret found out. Days later Sapnap and George bump into Tommy since Dream wasn't hanging out with them often. To be exact, Dream never really had time. And since he wasn't answering to their questions they decided to just find out what was going on.
So it was a rainy day. They walked silently behind Dream concentrating on staying undercover. Dream was walking down the wooden path to L'Manburg not really noticing his friends following. He entered and soon disappeared in a house.
George and Sapnap exchange a glance. Then they slowly  sneak to the windows to get an overview of what is going on.
That's how they ended up creeping around the house to find out what is going on.
"What are you doing?"
Both of them turn around.
"We ... Were... Thinking of redecorating our house... And we thought we can just get ideas...?"
"Oh.... Then we can go in. Come follow me!"
"No no no!"
"It's fine.... And-"
Sapnap and George jump in surprise when Wilbur's voice comes out of the house.
"What are you doing here? Go to Tubbo or Fundy to talk with them."
"Wil we hav-"
Both liar start shacking their head. Tommy wasn't supposed to expose them.
"Wil we don't have enough cane"
"Then go get some!"
And with that a window shuts close.
With a small gesture he tells them to follow.
Together they walk out of L'Manburg into the forest.
"What were you doing?"
"We.... Ok.... Ehm... You know Dream didn't had time to hang out and .... When we asked he never told us sooo.... Yea we followed him and then he entered this house and yea...."
"Tommy are you alright?"
"Wilbur and Dream.... House..... Oh my God. If they fuck- Wilbur and Dream are dating."
"I bumped into them when they make out in the middle of the path and..... Dream is coming over or they disappear together and.... But a house...."
"As long none of them gets pregnant..."
"Why hasn't Dream told us? I thought he trusts us..."
"I don't think Wilbur wants to explain.... And I mean.... They were at war a while ago..."
"He can still tell us! Its not like we are friends! We support him and-"
"Wilbur and Dream are dating?"
Suddenly Purpled and Punz and Ponk come out a group of bushes.
"Heh yeah..."
"How much did you hear?"
"Nearly everything I guess....?"
The other two nod in agreement.
"Sooo... Are we confronting them or?"
"To be honest... I want to give them a small pay back for not telling us...."
"And what do you want to do Sapnap? Interrupting their make out session?"
"You can't be serious."
"Why then they have to out right away without lies."
After discussions they go and get the other to explain their plan.
"So everyone knows what to do?"
And with that they prepare everything.

The door slams open revealing a sight that Fundy my just wants to forget.
Both males turn their heads in shock but before any of them say something:
"Tommy, Tubbo, Sapnap, George and Ponk are fighting!!!!"
With that he hurries out again still having the picture in his head.
Both males caught in the act look at each other and decide in a few seconds that their friends are more important.
Or at least the explanation for Fundy.
They put on clothes not really bothering it is really theirs and run down the stairs.
When they arrive outside they see the whole Smp waiting for them. But no fights.
"Were we interrupting something?"
Asks George with a knowing smirk.
Both caught males turn red.
"So the most important question... Who is top and who is bottom? Just for us to know who can't walk tommorow anymore."
Wilbur turns his face to Tommy.
The blond boy knows he should run now. And that's what he does.
His nearly brother chasing him with a promise to kill him.
While the other watch.

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