Chapter 18: A little support

Start from the beginning

Izuku POV:
I watched Kylo as he turned away from me. 'I wonder what that was all about?' I lightly chuckled 'he must be embarrassed about something'. I then started to look at his hero costume 'he seems to be going with a 'casual yet functional' look, He always does what feels right to him... That's what I love about him. He's the only one I know who will always have your back to the bitter end.' I started to look down 'besides, he always looks at me like a friend. I just wish that I have the guts to walk over there right now and--'

"Deku?" I looked to my left to see Uraraka walking to me "why are you wearing your P.E. clothes, where's your costume at?" Uraraka questioned. "You saw after the combat training it's kinda trashed, I'm waiting on the Support Company to fix it up." I answered. Uraraka then whispered in my ear so only us two can hear, what she said to me was embarrassing "hey, do you have a crush on Mochizuki or something?" I gulped hard I tried to come up with an excuse, but she cut me off "I've always seen you looking at him when he's around, whenever your writing in your journal you quickly look at him then ball up the paper and throw it away at the end of class."

She then pulled out a balled-up paper ball and unballed it to reveal my 'how to reveal my feelings to Kylo'. I felt embarrassed, do the others know I have a crush on Kylo that much is it that obvious!? I gulped down the knot in my stomach and answered her honestly "yes, I have a crush on him. Ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to become a hero more than anything but no one believed in me. That all changed when I met Kylo, he was my second inspiration to become a hero, so I want to protect him. I don't know if you remember or not but he got kidnapped several years back we were kids". Uraraka had her hands over her mouth and looked at Kylo who was looking at his shadow, she looked back at Izuku as he continued "he was found in the woods a few days later and shot. When that happened not only did I want to protect him even more, but I also found out that I 'like' him." I started to replay the image of Kylo on that hospital bed as a kid, but the strange part was where he was injured, it didn't even leave a scar on his body, it's like it never happened. "D-Deku," Uraraka said as I have seen her having a few tears in her eyes, I started to realize what I said and started to apologize but cut me off "I-it's ok Deku, these are tears of joy" I was confused but she started to go back to her cheerful self "I'm so happy that your gonna tell Kylo how you truly feel about him. You care about him so much it's really sweet Deku. If you ever need help with this, just let me know and I will help you in an instant." I thanked Uraraka and told her I appreciated it.

We both heard a whistle being blown to see our class rep. Tenya Iida was trying to get the whole class attention

"Gather around class 1-A, using your student numbers, form a double line so we can board the bus efficiently"

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"Gather around class 1-A, using your student numbers, form a double line so we can board the bus efficiently". Iida kept blowing his whistle "Iida's really kicking it up as our class rep. huh?"

~~Time skip brought to you by a Pizza Hut commercial~~

Shadow POV:

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