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Draco's POV

As I was walking through the train, I made my way to the back. There weren't a lot of people but I was hoping maybe to see an acquaintance. I heard familiar voices and slowly peaked my head to see who it was. Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom were talking quietly. I managed to hear a few sentences. "I'm bisexual. It means I like guys and girls. It's also one of the reasons Ginny broke up with me." I slowly backed away.

Harry James Potter likes guys. I sighed and walked back to Pansy, smiling. "Hey, D, why are you smiling? You have that face like the time you and I went to muggle London and got drunk." Pansy examined my face as I sat down in our compartment. I couldn't help but smile. But a sad thought washed over me. What if he doesn't forgive me? What if he doesn't like me? I couldn't help but chuckle at this twisted situation. Out of all people, why did I have to fall for the golden boy, of all people? And what about my soulmate. What if my soulmate isn't Harry? What if it's Weasley or Longbottom? That would screw things up.

"I'm fine Pansy. I just learned something that's all. I think this year is going to be a good year."

"Oh yeah? And why's that Mr. Malfoy? Please enlighten me. I would like to know what's going on in that mind of yours." Pansy smirks at me as if she knows. I don't know if I should tell her because what Harry said was kind of personal.

"Well, as I was walking, I overheard this conversation from this overly attractive guy talking about how he liked guys too. And I sort of panicked because he was cute. I think he was new because I've never seen him before." It hurt to lie to my best friend but I feel like that was private information. And I didn't necessarily want to out him. I mean, I wasn't fully out and if someone outed me, I would surely hex them into oblivion.

"Draco, look outside. We are almost here." Pansy suddenly exclaimed. I looked up from my lap and there it was in all of its post-war glory. Hogwarts. 

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