Hop wanted to open his mouth to protest, but was interrupted by the front door opening. Victor looked back in confusion, was it his twin sister already? That was quicker then expected... Gloria and Leon had both entered the lab, both laughing out loud. Victor turned around. Gloria's big smile turned into a frown. She put her hands on her waist and looked to the side while letting out a loud hmpf. Behind her was the legendary pokémon Calyrex, like she promised to take along with her. The big headed pokémon barely fitted through the frontdoor. 

''Ah, come take a seat!'' Sonia welcomed them inside whole heartedly as she pulled out two more chairs for them to sit on. 

Leon and Gloria took a seat. Gloria sat down next to her brother, she still was clearly offended by him. Victor felt a soft sting of guilt for leaving earlier without telling her, but it was heavily weighed out with the fact that she was hiding something for him. Calyrex let out a soft sound as he bowed his head royally. Everyone looked at the pokémon with big, curious eyes. The legendary king of the crown tundra, who saved the two legendary wolves from Eternatus's impact on earth in the Slumbering Wealds. 

''It's an honor to meet you, Calyrex!'' Hop said with a big grin on his face.

Sonia and Leon both bowed their heads with respect, but Victor kept his head still. He'd had a lot of interaction with the legendary pokémon since Gloria brought it home with her a lot. 

Calyrex started to talk, but no one but Gloria could understand it. The young champion stuck up her hand in front of its face to make it stop quiet. She kindly smiled at her pokémon and faced the others after sharing a nod with him. 

''You see, Calyrex normally talks with telepathy, but its power isn't strong enough to do it with anyone but me yet. But when we first met he used to take over Peony's body to talk with me. I suggest we use Victor's body-''

''No way! You're just saying that because you're mad at me.'' Victor interrupted her mid sentence. 

Gloria opened up her mouth to speak, but Calyrex had closed his eyes and stretched out one of its front paws. But it wasn't Victor that started to glow. In the entrance of the door was standing the lab assistant. Her shoulders and head suddenly started to droop. The legendary pokémon flew over and floated next to the assistant in front of the table. 

''I guess that works too...'' Gloria sighed out as she sat back with her arms crossed. 

Victor let out a soft groan before he turned around to look at Calyrex. There was no need for her to be this hostile towards him. Its not as if he had committed a crime or anything. 

''Greetings, humans. As my dear trainer already introduced me, my name is Calyrex.'' Calyrex spoke using the assistant's body. ''I used to rule over all of Galar before the darkest day 3000 years ago. After the heroes saved my land, I retired to the tundra to rule over the land and bless the harvest with my loyal steed.'' 

The pokémon locked eyes with both Gloria and Hop. He bowed his head towards them. ''It is an honor to be along the two heroes once again. '' 

Hop started to blush awkwardly, but Gloria just smiled brightly at her pokémon. Leon curiously looked at the pokémon while Sonia wrote down a few things on a notepad. 

''The pokedex says that you've seen the every past, present and future. Could you tell us about what is happening now?'' Victor asked him curiously. 

Calyrex shook its head and stared deep into his eyes. The brown haired boy could sense a lot of knowledge and wisdom as he locked eyes with the pokémon. It almost felt like he was looking at a deity instead of a king. 

''No, I cannot tell thee, dear human child.'' The pokémon locked eyes with its Gloria once again and was quiet for a moment, as if it was communicating with her using telepathy. He looked over at the others again. ''But- I do know about human to pokémon possession- as I am doing to this female human at this exact moment.'' 

''Yes yes, that's what I want to know! Is Eternatus capable of possessing humans?'' Sonia asked him with a voice full of curiosity. 

Calyrex was silent, recalling a few memories from the past before speaking again. ''It has happened before.'' The king stared at the former champion.

He floated a bit closer towards him and inspected him up close. 

''Y-Your majesty?'' Leon awkwardly called out in confusion. 

Calyrex went back to its former position in front of everyone.  

Everyone stared at the former champion now. Victor placed his finger on his chin. What could he possibly mean? Rose's plan was to have Leon defeat and catch Eternatus so they could use the energy he was emitting for the future of the Galar region. But was there something else that was supposed to happen what Leon didn't speak about?

''Leon?'' Hop said his brother's name softly. 

''Eternatus used to be a dangerous pokémon. The future I had seen for my precious kingdom was dark until the day my trainer entered the Slumbering Wealds. Dear human, the other human that I have seen in my vision knew about Eternatus's full potential. '' Calyrex locked its eyes at Leon again to make it more personal. ''Eternatus would've possessed you once it defeated you, but your spirit was too weak. You would have perished, along with the rest of this world.'' 

Everyone was silent now in shock. Victor stared at the former champion in disbelief. Leon would've perished if it wasn't for Gloria and Hop? That was a lot to take in, especially for the two brothers. They both looked pale now. Gloria shared a glance with her twin brother. Victor could sense a certain emotion in her eyes that he couldn't read. 

Calyrex placed its frontpaw on his chest. He bowed his head while looking at the current champion. ''Eternatus used to be a dangerous pokémon. Never could I ever have imagined that the destructor of this world would become as tame as he is now, thanks to Gloria and her fellow hero.'' Calyrex paused to look over at Hop too. ''Head my last warning, young heroes. There is two of you, but there is only one spirit who can save us from the coming darkness. ''

Victor felt a weird sting in his chest. He couldn't help but feel left out by the legendary pokémon. No. He had to stop feeling sad about this. He should be proud to be alongside them, not jealous. The assistant's body slowly floated towards a desk and was sat down. The blue glow disappeared and her head slowly fell to the flat surface to rest. she looked as if she was going to be asleep for a while now. Poor woman. Victor thought to himself, although he was glad it wasn't him who got possessed by Calyrex. The former king let out its usual cry and floated back towards his trainer. 

''Thank you for your wisdom, Calyrex! Let's grow some carrots together after we're done!'' The young champion cheerfully proposed as she petted its giant head softly. 

''Yes, thank you a lot Calyrex, you really helped us with our research today!'' Sonia said cheerfully. 

Victor started to feel an uneasy pain in his chest. Why was Gloria acting so cheerful after what she just heard? There was a certain darkness coming which they had to prepare for, why was she so assured? Knowing his twin sister, she probably was thinking she could handle it on her own. 

''I wonder... There's two of us but only one spirit that could save us all... I'm totally gonna lay awake all night thinking about it now!'' Hop mumbled with a deep sigh. 

Gloria tilted her head at him with a soft smile. ''If you want you can join me and Calyrex with the carrots. It's really awesome how he can make crops grow, you should totally come with us for research purposes!'' 

Hop glanced at Sonia who nodded at him to say it was okay. ''Sure! I'll come along too, for- uh- research purposes of course!'' 

Victor remained quiet. Usually he would've joined in too, but he decided to stay behind with Sonia and Leon to talk about their plan to follow Gloria a bit more. He was determined to find proof of her sneaking out at night. He had to save his sister from whatever was coming for them. 

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