#1 - gorgeous (D.M)

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this is so bad because it's my first ever story but i promise they get better <3

Year-3/4 (doesn't matter but helps picture how everyone looks)
warnings: heated make out (not a lot of detail)
notes: in 3rd person <3

Y/N and Draco were best friends, they had been since their parents forced them to talk to each other at a "family and friend gathering" over 8 years ago, since then they were inseparable. she is the only person that understands him, the only person who knew why he was  "evil", he is the only person who knows why she is "so cold" and knows why she pushes everyone away. They just understood each other.

even though Y/N was surrounded by pureblood slytherins who looked down their nose at the other houses, Y/N was friends with the weasley twins, Ron, Luna and Cedric. Her fellow slytherins obviously didn't agree but because of her status and the fact Draco would break their spines, they kept quiet.

Y/N had always had a soft spot for Fred, as he did for her, they would flirt and even went on a "date" to hogsmede once which made Draco beyond fuming. "I don't get it why weaslebee?" asked draco, genuinely confused, "Because he's a nice boy and he's funny an-" "BUT ITS WEASLEBEE!" draco shouted "Draco? Are you jealous?" Y/N said "Dont be so ridiculous, I just think a pretty lady of your status should go for someone more in your league, which weaslbee is not, your very much out of his league". "What ever ferret" Y/N mumbled the last part although he somehow still heard it thus causing them to play fight on dracos bed which then turned into Draco on top of Y/N tickling her. "Draco stoooppp- pleaseee- draayyyy" he finally stopped but remained hovering over her, they lay there just looking into each other's eyes "I could give you the world sweetheart just let me" Draco whispered.

"Wha-" Y/N was interrupted by the door flying opened revealing Fred Weasley he stood, shocked but also sad, "Y/N I-" Fred almost questioned "forget it" he continued before turning round and slamming the door. Y/N jumped up pushing Draco off her and ran after Fred "FRED WAIT PLEASE WE WERE MESSING AROUND PLEASE" Y/N shouted after Fred as he stormed through the slytherin common room. He stopped. He turned to look at Y/N sorry face. "Why him?" He questioned his voice only a whisper while not making eye contact wiht Y/N. "I-" Y/N tried to explain but she found her self unable to give an explanation it's was then she realised ealier when Draco asked the same question she was convincing herself she liked Fred. She doesn't. She doesn't like him. She doesn't love him. She loves Draco. The one who's been there for her, the one who under stands her, the one who makes her laugh, the one. "You love him dont you?" Fred asked snapping Y/N out her day dream. She gave no reply.Fred dropped his head and turned to leave ."I need time to think" Y/N muttered, she didn't, she knew who she loved, but she also knew she couldn't mess things up for dracos father and her fathers "business"
"I'll wait for you" he kissed her hand and left

Y/N sat alone in hers and dracos spot, the top of the astronomy tower, that's one thing nobody knew about the pair, they were fascinated with stars and would regularly sit and stargaze together. she was ripped away from her thoughts when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs
"Y/N why are you here alone" draco said as he sat down, "I've messed everything up dray" Y/N said not looking at him, eyes glued to her favourite constellation, 'draco'. "I heard your argument, you haven't done anything hes overreacting" Y/N scoffed, "What?" Draco enquired "Of course you'd say that you hate him" "Look you're gorgeous, you're smart...ish-" "Oi you cheeky git" Y/N smaked his arm, "but seriously youre funny and kind and you care about the people you love so much, what I'm trying to say if he doesn't remember that and thinks you'd hurt him then he's beyond stupid"
"Thanks dray" Y/N said smiling and looking into his eyes, those blue grey eyes, she could stare at them for hours, full of mystery, and beauty.

"you're beautiful remember that" draco said, he reached over and moved a piece of hair from out of her face "absolutely gorgeous" he continued Y/N eyes flickered between a dracos eyes and lips, taking in all his perfections. in this moment there were no thoughts in Y/N's mind, just draco. they were subconsciously moving closer together, before Y/N even realised they had moved she could feel dracos lips lightly brushing against hers, his soft breathe on her rose tinted lips, his hand reaching into her hair, she took one last look at his eyes before closing the gap between the two. their lips fit together perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle, Y/N felt asif the one thing that was missing in her life was finally there, right in front of her, kissing her, it was him. their lips moved together harmoniously, Y/N felt a wave of happiness and relief come over her as she realised this was all she wanted, he was all she wanted, it was perfect.

pulling away minutes later draco ,panting, looked into Y/N eyes once again
"i've been meaning to do that for a long time" "you should have done it sooner" Y/N said before reconnecting there lips again. her hands ran down his perfect body reaching his lap, he was hard. he grabbed her hips pulling slightly signalling for her to climb onto his lap, she complied. she sat on his lap while there tongues slipped in and out of each other's mouths, his hands grasping firmly at her ass. he was pushing down slightly making her lightly grind on his boner, the low moan that erupted from his mouth was a euphoric sound, perfection.

the two were erupted by a strange sound, a gasp? looking towards the entrance of the astronomy they saw what could only be described as a truly heartbroken man, fred. instead of shouting like he did before he simply said "you two should be together, i was stupid to think you liked me and weren't in love with him" before turning and walking away. leaving Y/N wrapped tightly in dracos arms as they watched the stars together.

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