who says we'll have an ending? | alan grant

Start from the beginning

He brushed the light brown fringe away from his forehead with his forearm before releasing a sigh he had been holding onto while he worked. When he returned your gaze, you felt your sudden bout of confidence shrinking by the second. What if it was all just coincidental? What if he didn't feel the same way and by asking him, you would make a complete fool out of yourself? Would he be uncomfortable working within close proximity with you from then on?

You swallowed. You had to ask him outright. Waiting around for a clearer sign was practically torture when it was all you could think about...and something about Alan's personality told you he wasn't going to be the one to make the first move.

"Am I wrong in thinking there's something going on here? Between you and me?"

Your heartbeat quickened when his eyebrows rose questioningly. He obviously hadn't been expecting that question to pop out so suddenly. It took him a moment to process you words and the implications behind it. He glanced down and pulled his gloves off carefully and set them aside before rubbing his hands on the towel draped in the sink behind him.

You watched with growing anxiety as he faced you again, rubbing his fingers almost nervously. He cleared his throat a couple of times before he managed to find his voice.

"Uh, no, you aren't wrong."

Your shoulders visibly relaxed and you took in a deep, relieved breath. You couldn't help but smile at him from across the metal table. He liked you back.

However, that sweet smile you wore soon faded when you saw that the crooked smirk he gave you seemed almost forced, like he was ashamed to admit that he felt something for you. Why did he seem so uncomfortable? Wasn't this a good thing?

"You seem upset."

"I don't know if this is something we should pursue, (Y/n)."

He said it so easily, so quickly. You hadn't even had the chance to discuss anything more and he already made up his mind?

"Why? We like each other, don't we?"

"Ah, yes, but," he rubbed his hands together again, he seemed to find it hard to focus on your gaze, "It can be complicated."

"How would it be complicated, Alan? We know each other pretty well already, we work together every day, we have the same profession," Your brows drew together as you sat straight up. Somehow, this entire idea of confessing your feelings was beginning to feel like a mistake. "Am I missing something?"

"When you work together every day, as close as we do, it can get messy."

Your confused expression turned to one of hurt – you felt as if you had just been rejected before you had even attempted to ask him out properly, even after he had admitted to having the same feelings for you. He seemed absolutely dead-set against wanting to be with you.

Where was this coming from?

Suddenly, you realized. Your mind drifted back to Ellie Sattler, the paleobotanist who had worked with Alan before she left the field to start her own family. You knew that she and Alan had a history together, although you weren't sure exactly how it had ended. A few of the long-time volunteers and specialists on his team had hinted that they had had a difference of opinion on their future together, that Alan had wanted to keep working and Ellie wanted to settle down and experience something different – especially after their return from Isla Nublar. Their paths had simply diverged.

But still – he dated someone he worked with, didn't he? And evidently, it worked out well until something traumatic pulled their interests in different directions. These were completely different circumstances. Why did your work have to affect it now?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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