Troy nodded. Jay grabbed a carrier bag and held it, knowing the boy might throw up again and her answer was right as he violently threw up five minutes later quickly filling the carrier bag Jay held. She tied it up and kept using as much as she needed until Harry stop throwing up or until they arrive to the hospital. Troy drove fast, not caring about any red light or traffic. They were in an emergency. He would take care about the fines in another moment.

Of course the family got pulled over for skipping a red light. "Hi officer, I'm really sorry but my son is very ill and we are on our way to the children's hospital" Troy explained. Harry gagged and threw up again. Jay rubbed the boys back. "Third time since my husband started driving, officer" Jay said. The officer looked at Harry. "Oh, ok. Let me help you get quicker. But, you will still have to pay the fine. Follow me" The officer got on his motorbike and guided them through a lane with less traffic, which allowed them to arrive quickly. "Here you are. Hope your kid gets better soon." The officer said once at the hospital's parking lot.

"Thankyou" Troy said after parking up and opening the door for his wife, and picked Harry up who was covered in vomit. "Shhh let's get you up to the ward" Jay soothed as she disposed the vomit carrier bags. The three of them walked into the hospital and walked to the counter. Troy told Harry's information to the lady at the desk and they were immediately guided to the ward they were assigned to be. Once in the room, Jay took Harry to the bathroom and cleaned and changed them up. Then, she walked back out and laid Harry on the bed. The nurse who guided them, hooked Harry to an IV with meds and fluids. "We need to stop the vomit and keep him hydrated first. Then we need to check his vitals, before running any test on him" The nurse said. Jay and Troy nodded.

"The dr will be in to speak to you both shortly" the nurse said. "Thankyou" Troy said as Jay grabbed a bowl as harry gagged again and she rubbed the boys back as he threw up. This time he projectile vomited everywhere. "Don't worry. The meds and fluids will soon kick in. And, I will bring someone to help with cleaning up" The nurse said and paiged a janitor to clean the room's floor. Then she helped Jay to undress, clean and dress up Harry again once he stopped throwing up. Harry started crying in pain and embarrassment. Jay held him while the nurse changed the bedsheets.

Troy passed his wife a bowl in case the crying made harry vomit. "Shhh, it's ok harry. you are poorly and we are going to get you better" Jay said. Harry hid his face still crying in Jays neck, pointing at the nurse he didn't know, trying to tell he was embarrassed of having thrown up in front of her. "Its ok harry she is a nurse who is going to help make you better" jay said as she rubbed the boys back.

Doctor Ross was just finishing reading all Harry's notes and did a tiny bit of research before going to examine harry. After having done his reading and research, he walked to Harry's room and found him still sobbing in Jays arms while she soothed him.

'Hello is this harry? I'm Harry's dr" he introduced himself. "Yeah, he is" Jay said. Harry looked up from Jay's neck and whined, hiding his face again. Jay rubbed his back. "It's ok baby. These are all people who will make you feel better" Harry sobbed but nodded in Jay's neck. "Sorry doctor, this is a new place for him and you are new people for him. He's a little scared and nervous. Besides he had just thrown up four times, three in the car and one in here." Jay explained.

'Awww I'm sorry to hear that. Harry we are going to make you better. I'm just going to talk to Jay and Troy and then I will have a look at you and that lovely teddy there" the dr said. Luckily they had hidden the teddy during the car ride so it wasn't covered in vomit. Harry nodded and made grabby hands at the teddy. Jay passed it to him. Harry smiled and cuddled it tight. Jay put Harry back on the bed and stayed next to him, sitting on a chair placed besides the bed.

The dr took a history of what had been happening. "So I will examine Harry now and we will run all the tests here again, I'm afraid. And we will make sure we get answers." The dr informed before showing Harry what he was going to do on his teddy bear before him. Harry cuddled his teddy closer to him and himself closer to Jay, but nodded softly. "Okay..." he said in a tiny voice. The doctor stood up and walked close to Harry once Harry gave signs of being relaxed. The doctor did what he showed Harry on his teddy. Once finished, he made the prescriptions for the needed tests. "Back in the other hospital they just treated him for a stomach bug. But it is clearly not what this is. The last thing they did was an MRI and scheduled an endoscopy and colonoscopy for next week. With which I didn't agree to happen. I think those and other tests need to be done soon" Jay said even knowing the dr already read that information.

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