Chapter 30: Stars

Start from the beginning

"She'll be seven in two months," Riley responded, holding up seven fingers.

"Hm," I say softly.

"So what about you?" Riley says, suddenly.

I blink, lifting my head off my hands, "I don't know, what about me?"

"What's your brother like?"

I mentally facepalmed, "Oh, right, I forgot I told you about him. His name is True. As for what he's like..."

I thought hard, "Well... I don't really know. I mean, we haven't really talked since I was ten."

Riley immediately appeared remorseful, "Oh, wow, that must suck."

I shrug, "Not really, I mean, he's four years older than me, we don't have that much in common. It's not like he ignores me or anything, it's just we don't really... talk anymore."

Riley didn't seem assuaged.

We were disrupted by Lazy Susan approaching us with a tray, "Two chocolate milkshakes, extra cherries for the ginger." She slides the glasses over to us, "Anything else?"

I smile, kindly, "No thanks, that'll be all."

She nods and leaves once more. I pull the milkshake to me, seeing not one, not two, but six cherries on top.

"Hm. Impressive," I mutter, taking a sip through the straw. I hear Riley chuckling from across the table.

After we had both successfully sipped our sugary sweet shakes (say that five times fast), I sat up against the back my seat, "So, what was it you needed to talk about?"

Riley gently pushed his milkshake away from him, "Oh, yeah, that. I'll just cut right to the chase, then."

He seemed to be picking and choosing his words ever so carefully.

"I believe you might be in some sort of... trouble."

I blinked. That was not at all what I was expecting him to say.

"What? What kind of trouble?"

Riley rubbed the back of his neck, then shook his head, strangely, "I just thought I'd warn you... you know, just to be cautious. I wouldn't want you to get hurt, especially if I knew that I could've helped."

Something about this seemed off. I mean, it felt like every word rang true, but it also felt like maybe there were some words missing.

Riley laughed, nervously, "Look, I don't want to freak you out or anything, just... keep an eye out, okay?"

I scanned his face for any sort of deception, like maybe this was a trick, or a joke of some kind. But his eyes were honest and his smile real. Nothing like Bill's toying gaze and lying smirk...

Slowly, I nod, "Okay."

I hoped that I wouldn't regret trusting him.


After the milkshakes were all gone and I realized that Stan was going to flatten me for taking such a long break, I decided I would go straight home instead of returning to work, where I would most definitely meet my boss's wrath. Riley walked me to the path and then split off back towards town whilst I delved deeper into the forest.

I sighed, feeling Bill's presence almost before he was even next to me.

He didn't seem happy.

"So," He began, "What was that in the Diner?"

I blinked, "What do you mean?"

He spoke through gritted teeth, "Your little date with that Riley kid? With the chocolate milkshakes and the cherries and the talking about your past?"

I rolled my eyes, "It wasn't a date, it was just a... chocolate milkshake with cherries... summit."

"Yeah, whatever," Bill scoffs, disappearing. Strange, I thought he might react more violently.


I walked into my house and was instantly toppled over by an unidentifiable flying object.

I opened my eyes to see a pale, round, child-like face above mine, grinning widely, "Hi, Miss Saige!"

I swallowed, "Oh, right, Cassie, you're here..."

She climbed off of me, standing in her flowing white dress. Her silver hair was braided and laced with blue and yellow flowers. Asha appeared behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, Saige!"

I stood up, brushing off, "Yeah, hey, guys."

Asha was beaming, "Cassie's great. She's so smart and so happy, all the time. She reminds of your little sister."

I headed for the stairs, "Aren?"

"No, Im-" But then Asha's voice grinds to a halt, "Nevermind. Where are you going?"

I start up the steps, "To take a shower and go to bed. It's been a long and rather weird day."

Asha nods in understanding, "Alright. Well, just so you know, Cassie's gonna be staying with us. Is that okay?"

I throw my hands in the air, "Why the heck not?"

Before I could get a response, I walked upstairs and into the bathroom, hopping into the shower and letting the hot water wash my worries away.

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