Chapter 5: What Did I Tell You...~?

Start from the beginning

"Well... he most probably is likely to be one, yes, Why do you ask?" Dream questioned, That means Cross's theory was right. Cross sighed and looked back at Dream, seeing Dream was a tad bit confused and had a bit of worry on his face.

"Well. Nightmare likes this skeleton from the Moon Empire and he has overprotective and bloodlust obsession over him. So I wanted to know if this type of behaver would be expected" Cross whispered the last part,
"The same kind of obsession I have over you."

Dream didn't hear the last thing that Cross whispered, though Dream still said nothing, He knew that the skeleton, Cross was talking about, was Outer's boyfriend. He knew he couldn't stop his brother, not until he gets what he wants. Dream thought for a few minutes trying to think of a answer. But he first has to know who this mysterious skeleton was.

" Do you know who the skeleton is? All that I know is that he is the Royal guard, Outer's boyfriend,"
Dream asked Cross with a blank look on his face. Cross now knew why Nightmare was keeping Killer inside the Castle. It was so that Killer couldn't see Outer anymore. Dream waited for a response. He couldn't help the poor skeleton or Outer without knowing who he is first.

"His name is Killer, the skeleton that is second in command. Nightmare's right hand man. Recently, Killer has been sneaking out of the Empire to meet with Outer. Everyone in the Castle knew that Nightmare liked him, It wasn't that hard to see that he does. Everyone knew except Killer, he is very obvious to that. But Nightmare soon found out about their relationship and is now keeping Killer by him, never letting him go anywhere."
Cross explained to Dream

Dream looked down, thinking of what to do. There was nothing he can do. Nightmare won't ever let Killer go until he loves him back and Dream knows that. He still felt sympathy for Killer, even though he was one of the biggest threats from the Moon Empire.
Dream was completely lost in his thoughts, trying to figure out a plan, frustrated and tired.

His quietness concerned his lover. So Cross cuddled Dream, showing him small amounts of affection, knowing that he will always be there for his 'Queen'
Dream started to relax in the arms of Cross, slightly purring. Dream looked up to Cross, giving him a gentle kiss. The kiss was soft and full of love and care, both skeletons putting little pressure into the kiss.
Cross wished this moment could last forever, just him and his lover at peace for once. Just Them, and them alone.

After a few more seconds, Dream pulled away. Even though they don't have lungs, They still needed to breath.
{I dunno what I'm doing (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)}

"Don't worry about it, Just relax my sunshine~" Cross cooed

"We'll figure something out, for now let's just enjoy each other's company" Cross soothed Dream, reassuring him.

Dream hummed tiredly, agreeing.
It had been a long day for Dream, Ink and Blue. They were concerned about the Moon Empire action and for their friend, Outer, and trying to comfort him.
Blue and Ink have also noticed Dust and Error's strange behavior around them.
Of course Dream perfectly understood that they like them. He knew because Cross acted the same way around Dream before they were together.

Cross smiled sweetly, looking at the adorable skeleton half asleep on his chest, trying to keep himself awake. The purple blush dusted his cheek bones making them visible, his lover is just too cute for his world. Cross chuckled slightly, giving the smaller a kiss on his forehead. Slowly caressing his cheekbones, pulling him closer. The smaller buried his head into the taller's chest, and was purring in his sleep, still holding onto Cross. As long as Cross is with Dream, he would always protect him. Even if it means killing others to do so, anything that is necessary to protect his true love. Fortunately, Dream can handle himself and was safe in his room. But still, Cross stayed by Dream's side, giving him small kisses and cuddles while his lover is sleeping. Cross pulled the bed sheets over him and the smaller, He's is going to be looking after dream for the next few months hoping that no one in the Moon Empire will notice his disappearance.
And for the rest of the Night, It's just going be peaceful and quiet. Something they haven't had in a long time...

¡~The Nightmare that will never End~! An Empireverse AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now