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Baboom. Baboom. Breathe in. Breathe out. Baboom. Baboom. The manic roars of the crowds flowed over Keith. The announcer declared," Two Strikes. Two outs. Bases are loaded. This could be it folks." barely registered at all. Keith opened his eyes taking in the position of his team mates. He tapped the plate with the tip of his bat and settled in position. He saw the pitcher's arm go back, come up and over and release the ball. He begins his swing as the ball comes towards him. He closes his eyes and puts all of his force behind it. Woosh. No contact. The calls from the crowd become bitter and calloused. Keith hears his teammates stamp their hats into the ground with frustration as some of them begin to cry.

Keith knew just how much had been riding on him winning this game. He imagined his mom sitting at the kitchen table with all her hopes of her son going to college and getting a good career, not listening to the radio because she wants to hear the good news from her son. He could see the disappointment on her face as he told her that he had lost the game. The resignation that she would have to work harder than ever to support them. Already working three jobs and rarely being at the apartment when he got home from school or when he woke up in the mornings. He would of course enter into the workforce to lift some of that pressure off of her. He already had a job lined up with the mine boss to pick him up the next day if he lost the game. He thought about the long hours and low pay. He felt a hand settle on his shoulder.

"Hey it's going to be okay."Keith heard Sam say, "Work in the mines isn't as bad as you think. I should know I've worked in them for twenty years and I'm still going strong. Come on I'll give you a ride home." Keith nodded his head and allowed Sam to take him to the car. He looked out of the passenger window watching the buildings that he had used to mark his dreams fall away. The college with it's green grass campus. The Modern Advancement of Technological Hardware building with his hopes of becoming the next Dr. Draco Hools. The brains behind the Amadeus apparatus, the newest, most cutting edge of life extension science available to the public. He saw the couples playing in the recreation pit. Seemingly without a care in the world. Then they passed out of city limits and he saw the decrepit hodgepodge of buildings that made up the government's attempt at reconciliation to those of lesser status. The car pulled up to a series of condos which were out of place in the chaos around them. The walls were scrubbed and the lawn, though dead, was clear of trash. There was a small banner out front that proudly stated "Welcome home Keith" above the door.

" I can wait outside if you want." Sam said recognizing Keith's hesitancy

" No that's alright you can go ahead and go home. Thanks for the ride." Keith said wishing that he wouldn't have to see the disappointment on his mother's face when he told her about the game. Keith turned around and watched as Sam got back into the car, turned it on, and drove away back towards the city. He walked up to the door and saw that the trash to the side of it was full. He pulled the bag out and took it around to the dumpster in the back. He lifted its rust pitted lid and gagged at the horrendous scent that came out of it. He dropped the trash in and stood there gathering the courage to go and talk to his mom, crushing all of the hopes she had for him in an instant. He didn't know which reaction would be worse, if she was disappointed or if she put on her brave face and told him how they would press through it. Something rustled behind him.

"Don't move." someone said behind him menace, grief, and fear all evident in their voice. Keith turned around slowly, keeping his hands up.

"I said don't move!" Keith recognized Bobby one of his friends from the baseball team. He had been one of the ones crying at the game that night. He wasn't crying now though the evidence of it still showed plainly on his face. Now he was holding a pistol and had it leveled at Keith's chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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