Trish: But....Kate don't you have a date with Brad this weekend? 

Kate: Oh god....

Kate slapped her own head

Kate: I totally forgot. Again. Brad's mad enough I blew him off last weekend just to help treat a sick dog at the vet I'm working at every weekend. And I just forgot this. 

Trish: Then don't worry about me. You go out with Brad this Friday. 

Kate: No I'm worried about you. I'm sure Brad will understand.

Trish: He hasn't been the most understanding guy. I hate for you to loose your relationship cause of me. 

Kate: Don't worry about it. Remember what we promised each other? Friends before relationships. 

Trish: Yeah. Friends before relationships

The two friends laughed and hugged and later during class Kate was sitting in her desk as her and most of the other students were listening to what the teacher was saying 

The two friends laughed and hugged and later during class Kate was sitting in her desk as her and most of the other students were listening to what the teacher was saying 

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But her attention was caught by a note passed to her she opened it and it said

Can't wait for Friday Night.

Kate looked back

Seeing the guy behind her who was Brad her and Trish were talking about winked at her as Kate chuckled and looked forward and made

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Seeing the guy behind her who was Brad her and Trish were talking about winked at her as Kate chuckled and looked forward and made....worried expression of what she has to tell him later

Later after first period at the lockers Kate met up with Brad who smiled at her as she put on a mild grin

Later after first period at the lockers Kate met up with Brad who smiled at her as she put on a mild grin

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